Tuesday Night

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Warning: Kissing ahead, but everything will stay PG-13.

During dinner, Adrien had a certain pigtailed beauty to occupy his thoughts. She had said she wanted to see him again tonight, but would she want to if she knew the truth? He felt like he was deceiving her by visiting her as Chat Noir. Then there was another part of him that thought he was betraying his love for Ladybug.

Stopping by to tell Natalie that he was going to go to bed early tonight after finishing dinner, he headed to his room. Plagg flew out to freedom and took the plate of cheese Adrien had brought from dinner.

"No patrol tonight Plagg, but we will be going to visit Marinette. How early do you think we could go?" Adrien wondered.

"Baker girl? Let's go right now and see if she has any cheese pastries!" Plagg said excitedly.

"You know I'll be transformed the whole time, you won't get to eat while I'm there," Adrien said debating if going this early would be okay.

"Well, you could always bring some back for me. You probably won't shut up about Pigtails until you go there anyway so might as well just go now," Plagg said like he was bored.

 You probably won't shut up about Pigtails until you go there anyway so might as well just go now," Plagg said like he was bored

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"You're right! I'll just wait for her on the balcony if she's busy...Plagg claws out!" Chat jumped through the window and made his way to Marinette's. He could see through the window into where she was helping her mom wash dishes from their dinner. She looked so happy as she talked, and a smile formed on Chat's face as he observed the happy family.

Soon Marinette was heading up the stairs to her own room and Chat jumped to her balcony. First, he waited to see if she would come up, but after a minute he knocked on the trap door. Marinette opened the door and smiled wide, "you're here. How long have you been waiting?'

"Not long purr-incess," he teased expecting her to come up. Instead, she opened the door wide and motioned for him to come in. Gulp. Does she want me in her room?

"I have some work I need to do on my graduation dress," Marinette said as Chat hopped onto her bed looking at the pictures on her bed as he listened to her. "If I don't work on it now I'll be way behind."

"Oh cool! Can I help?" Chat's whole attitude changed from worried to friendly. He climbed down and inspected what she was doing. Kissing last night doesn't have to mean things have changed. I'd like to kiss her again...no stop thinking like that, we are friends. Friends can hang out and not kiss. Or we could...

"Well?" Marinette interrupted his thoughts.

"Uh, what?" Chat looked at her blankly holding out something.

"Weren't you listening? I said you can help me pin my fabric together, hold these pins," Marinette handed her pin cushion to Chat and grabbed the fabric she had cut for her dress.

"Sorry, I've never made clothes before, so just tell me what to do."

"I've been doing this for a while so it won't take that long, right now we are making sure these pieces I've cut out are the right size and create the look I'm planning. I can't sew it until I know it will look good."

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