Later Friday Night

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Adrien was worried he ruined the mood when he had gone for the kiss, but Marinette didn't seem angry at him. There wasn't any friendly banter or teasing anymore. She was acting shy as they descended the Eiffle tower and found the car.  Adrien held the door open for her like he had so many times that night and watched her sit. It'll be okay, she said she still wants to be friends...

The ride to Marinette's house was quiet except for the music in the car. She didn't want to make eye contact with Adrien to spark a conversation about who she was dating. Our relationship will probably always have to be a secret. Maybe if I told him I was Ladybug we could go out on a date in public? I can't even imagine going out on a date as Ladybug!

Adrien didn't ask her because he already knew. I really need to tell her it's me. Maybe she would have had a better time tonight if she knew it was our first official date as a couple.

He walked her from the car to the bakery door, "I had a great time, thanks for the date-I mean, for hanging out as friends, Marinette."

"I had fun too Adrien. Sorry, I didn't tell you know. I'll see you tomorrow."

"It's okay," Adrien wanted to hug her, but she waved and turned to go inside instead. See you soon.

Once he was home he quickly checked in that he was home. He avoided the long conversation of explaining the date by saying he was tired and would talk later. When he retreated to his room, he spent time going through the motions of getting ready for bed just in case someone was going to check on him. Plagg was gorging himself after a long day of only snacking on pieces from Adrien's meals. He was pulled away from his cheese when Adrien was sure he was safe from being checked on. Chat Noir jumped from the window and rushed to his princess.

He landed nimbly on the balcony and looked at Marinette who was waiting for him. Her smile was like sunshine and he gravitated towards her and she reached out to embrace him.

"I missed you," she said.

"I missed you too princess, how was your date?" He pulled back to inspect her face as he questioned her.

"Can we not call it a date? Let's just say I was hanging out with a friend okay?" She said nervously walking toward her chair.

Chat Noir beat her there and let her sit on his lap. She cuddled up to him as he wrapped his arms around her. The perfect ending to our date, he thought.

"Were you two alone?"


"Did he pay for everything?"

"...yes," she admitted.

"How about participating in fun activities together?"

"I get it. It was a date, but we could just pretend it wasn't though."

"Have it your way, how was your not-date?"

"Is this really what we have to talk about?"

Chat laughed at her frustration. Something about it was so adorable, but he still wasn't going to let it go that easily. Brainstorming as they sat together he came up with a solution, "what if you described your date as if it was me that was there instead of your friend?"

She was quiet and he couldn't see her expression as she thought it over.

"I could try if you are sure you want to hear about it."

"Yes!" He said a little too enthusiastically. Then calmly continued, "just tell me what you liked best about where we went."

She began thinking about the date she had just been on, "well, I did like our time ice skating, but it wasn't as fun as the time in the arcade."

"Oh yeah I liked the arcade a lot, you are a great gamer!" He encouraged her.

"You weren't too bad yourself especially with shooting basketballs. Very impressive."

"I was? I mean, of course, I was," he said flexing his biceps just like he had earlier.

"It's almost like it was you, he did the same thing!" She laughed.

"Uh, but the best game was definitely..." he quickly said to distract her.

She laughed at his silly antics, "the dance game of course because we crushed the high score!"

"Yeah, we did! We are the best."

"And we worked up an appetite from all that winning."

"So I had the brilliant idea to take you to a great restaurant that must now be your new favorite."

"It's not my favorite, far from it!"

"Wait really? Why didn't you like it?" Chat said seeming actually worried.

She turned to look at him over her shoulder, "I did like it, it was very tasty but it could never compare to my uncle's famous cooking in Shanghai though."

"O, you just come from such refined taste," Chat said reaching out to touch her nose while she was still turned around.

She giggled turning back to star gazing and leaning her head against him. She seemed content to end the explanation there and didn't offer any more details. No need to tell him about the almost kiss.

Chat on the other hand was ready to hear her thoughts about the last part of their date, "so did we come home after dinner?"

"Uh, no actually." Still not wanting to go into too many details.

"So dessert was..."

"On top of the Eiffel Tower, watching the sunset," her voice was deadpanned trying to not give any emotion away.

"Wow I must be the most romantic guy ever," he said still trying to get her to play his imaginary game.

"Yeah, we had a great time just watching and eating," she said in a strained voice and had tension in her shoulders.

"And now we have the best end to the best date ever, star gazing and cuddling," he gave her a squeeze hoping she would feel better after tensing up.

She did relax back into him since the danger of him asking for details passed, "definitely the best part of my date, I mean our date."

"As much as I enjoyed pampering you and charming you all evening, I like this part the most too," he said meaning every word. He hoped she would be able to understand he meant it soon too.

They enjoyed some time in silence living in the present instead of worrying about the past or future. They were relaxed and content together.

Marinette's breathing evened out and her head slumped slightly against Chat. He smiled and kissed her forehead, "I love you Marinette."

He expertly picked her up and carried her to the trap door. Lifting it with his foot and climbed down as smoothly as possible. She stirred against him when he adjusted his grip so they would fit through the opening and they gently fell the short distance to the soft bed.

She giggled as he placed a quick kiss on her forehead and she said, "will I see you tomorrow?"

"Of course, sweet dreams, princess."

"Good night, kitty."

He exited and followed his usual path home to sneak through the security system and back into his room. Freeing Plagg to retreat back into his cheese cabinet, he fell backward onto his bed and couldn't think of a time he had been happier.

Note: this ended up being an extra chapter. I hadn't planned to write it but I needed to get what happened out on 'paper' for myself. It's a little short but enjoy!

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