Flashback-2 Weeks ago

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Ladybug had called a meeting for all the holders and had received a confirmation from everyone. Her guardian duties were hard and she always questioned the correct thing to do especially after messing up so many times. Chat Noir always helped her think through her decisions and supported her as the guardian. She had let her friends who had proven themselves trustworthy keep their Miraculouses. Doubting that decision on a daily basis was distracting so she accepted the fact that even though they were all teenagers, they were reliable.

She had arrived early at the meeting place and continued to think about the future that seemed to be haunting her these days. This is my life, I'm Ladybug, defender of Paris, and Guardian of the Miracle Box. My future will always be here, but I can't expect everyone to stay here forever.

When others started to show up, she was able to put the thoughts out of her mind and concentrate on her team. Since she knew everyone's secret identities, she knew her friend's plans when school ended. Several of them were planning to leave Paris and the Miraculouses needed to stay here with her. Even if they will be in danger of being stolen again...or I could try to find more trustworthy people.

Pairs and groups were making small talk with each other as they showed up. Chat Noir had come and stood by her but didn't interrupt her thoughts. He could sense her focus and came to stand by her with support as always.

"Are we missing anyone?" Ladybug asked looking around to the Miraculous team and noticing two missing.

"Polymouse and Minotaurox are still out," King Monkey said. "They always take their time."

Probably because you and Bunnyx are too competitive and annoy them when you are together. They had been arguing nonstop since arriving about who actually finished their patrols first. Makes me wonder if they were paying attention while they were racing...

"No worries, they should be here soon," Chat Noir said as he saw two figures jumping over the rooftops towards them.

"Hey everyone, nice evening to meet together," Polymouse said as she landed next to Minotaurox. They were greeted by people, but soon the focus was back on their leaders standing united in front of everyone.

"Thank you for all agreeing to come out, even those who were supposed to have the night off." Ladybug started off. She observed the superhero faces of all of her friends, "It's now been just over two weeks since Hawkmoth disappeared, has anyone found or heard anything about the Butterfly or Peacock Miraculous?"

There were shaking of heads and a few of them said, "no" or "sorry" as an answer.

"I was afraid of this but I've been informed that things have changed and the old Hawkmoth won't be coming back," she said sharing a look with Chat Noir. He was the only one to know the identity of the old Hawkmoth, but through that, they defeated him anyway. Not everyone needed to know the details, and she trusted her partner.

"Must have scared him off for good," Chat Noir said reassuring them all since he knew the real truth behind Hawkmoth's disappearance.

"Thanks to the leadership of our wonderful Ladybug and Chat Noir!" Rena Furtive said proudly. People started to celebrate and cheer.

"Okay, thank you, let's not get ahead of ourselves. There still might be a villain in our future. I have entrusted each of you with a miraculous to help protect Paris. Now that there isn't currently a supervillain trying to harass us every day, I still trust you to keep them safe and be ready if the time comes you are needed," she paused trying to collect herself. "For those who have plans to leave Paris, I want you to know you will always be welcomed back to the team, but I will need to keep the Miraculous while you are gone."

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