1 Week Later- Sunday

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Chat Noir was finally back from his trip and Marinette couldn't wait to see him. They had been texting every day and calling each other every night. Last night she had fallen asleep with her phone plugged in while talking to him and they woke up greeting each other with laughs and good mornings.

Their conversations were peppered with loving words and expressions of how much they missed each other. Marinette sent pictures with kissy faces and selfies, while Chat sent a few when he would transform just to send some to her. There was one picture of him below the chin in his civilian form and she would constantly look at it. She had memorized how he looked in his tight white shirt and would blush thinking about the muscles that were underneath. He was holding his hand in half a heart shape right over his actual heart and had sent it with the text: You complete me ❤️

They had also talked about Marinette's new design she wanted to surprise him with and her preparation for college in the fall. They had made plans for the summer and how they were going to spend time together. They never addressed that he was a famous superhero and would make dating difficult. She was hoping to end the secrets and tell him as soon as he returned so they would date as Ladybug and Chat Noir. As long as he doesn't resent me or think I've been dishonest...

"This is it Tikki! This is the night! I'm going to tell him who I am," she said as she got ready.

"I just can't wait for you guys to live happily ever after!" Tikki squeaked in return floating around her.

"Do you think he will tell me his identity too?" I wonder who he could be. Have we ever met?

"Most definitely! He's been wanting to tell you forever now!"

Marinette still had an hour before he was planning on visiting her. She was frustrated that their relationship was still so secret and she couldn't welcome him home at the airport. She picked a special outfit and was fusing over her hair and make-up when she heard a sound from her Ladybug phone. I wonder who that could be...

She looked and saw there was a message from Chat Noir, "it's him, he wants to see Ladybug?"

"Let's go see him then!" Tikki said excitedly.

"I thought he would want to come to see me as Marinette first..." what could this mean?

"This could be a good way to tell him too. You thought about de-transforming in from of him as a way to tell him before." Tikki said trying to be helpful.

"I didn't like that idea, I wanted to be able to explain as Marinette first."

"Well, I'm sure he will come to see you right after checking in with Ladybug. He must have a sense of duty to Ladybug and will come to see you right after! He will probably stay here as long as possible and won't want to bother Ladybug too late."

"That makes sense. You're probably right, he did just get back and has an obligation to Ladybug. Always reliable...I should have known that, it's one of the reasons I love him."

"Then let's go see him!" Tikki prompted.

"Okay Tikki, spots on." She checked his location and headed toward the love of her life.

When she landed she had to stop herself from throwing herself into his arms and kissing him senselessly. That would be way out of line as Ladybug!

"Hey, kitty, welcome home, how was your trip?" Ladybug asked to break the ice.

"It was great, thanks for asking. Sorry, I was gone so long," Chat Noir said turning to greet her.

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