Flashback-3 Weeks Ago

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Ladybug and Chat Noir jumped in tandem to the roof across from the Eiffel Tower.

"What are you thinking M'lady?"

"I just don't know, Chat. It has been a week since our "defeat" of Hawkmoth," using her fingers to quote defeat, "and there haven't been any akumatizations. It just doesn't seem right since we haven't found the Butterfly Miraculous, I'm just waiting for the other shoe to drop."

"As I said, he's...been busy. Trust me."

"How could he not be planning something, even if you said he's not. I think we should meet up with the team again for a planning meeting of our own." Ladybug said, all serious. She was thinking back to all her mistakes and hoping she wouldn't make more.

"It would be just claw-ful if you get wrinkles from all that frowning," Chat said leaning in to inspect her face like he was watching wrinkles grow as they speak. His plan worked and she smiled.

"I can't help it Chat, I'm just so worried."

"I remember the last time you were on this rooftop worrying too much. I promised we would get back all the Miraculouses, and we did. I told you then that I was your loyal partner and I always will be. Do you trust me?"

"Chat," She looked up into his comforting eyes just like she had almost a year ago, "you know I do."

"Then trust me on this, the Hawkmoth we knew isn't going to come back. I can't tell you more unless you change your mind about knowing each other's identities," Chat Noir looked hopefully at Ladybug.

"If you think we are safe from that Hawkmoth, I believe you, but I still don't think we should tell each other who we are," she said looking away. She knew he didn't want to ask again but was still searching for a reason they could know.

"I can't hold on to everything that's going on anymore, I really need someone to talk to about it all. Please Ladybug, you're my best friend! Please," Chat's eyes were wide and the need he expressed pulled at Ladybug's heart.

She cared about her kitty and even though she feared what might happen if they were to tell each other, a part of her wanted to know now too.

The silence hung in the air as Ladybug thought through possibilities. What would change between us if we revealed to each other? Could it make us work better as a team or ruin everything? What about when a new Hawkmoth arose? How can I be sure that we wouldn't be akumatized and betray each other?

"Chat? Have you ever been akumatized?" Ladybug asked abruptly looking at him. He wouldn't remember Chat Blanc...

"No, why?" He asked not seeing where she was going with the question.

"What about ever being the cause of someone being akumatized?"

"I know there have been some misunderstandings like there was this time I turned down someone in front of her dad and he went all Weredad on me." There have been a few because of Adrien though...

"So what about people you are close to? Have they ever been akumatized?"

"Yes, I have friends that were akumatized, but not the ones I'm closest to within the last year.  What's with all the questions all of a sudden?"

"I just keep thinking and trying to figure out if there will be a new Hawkmoth," she said but then didn't add her thought, is keeping our secrets from each other going to make us a target too?

"There you go being all serious again," was what he said but he thought, she is always thinking ahead. Always the guardian. She won't have time for me or my problems.

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