Thursday School

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"Plagg, how am I going to get myself out of this mess?" Adrien was staring in the mirror berating himself for his foolish handling of the situation.

"Doesn't seem like a mess to me. You're dating baker girl and should definitely be bringing home more delicious baked goods."

"Can you ever not think about food?" He shot a withering scowl towards the black kwami.

"Pretty much, no," Plagg said while eating cheese.

"I love her."

"Then tell her and she can make us some delicious baked goods!" He sounded excited.

"No, Plagg, uh you don't get it! How would she understand that I love her when she only knows me as Chat Noir? We've only been dating for 2 days. She doesn't know that we have been friends for years and that I feel like I know her better than even myself."

"Well you have a date with her as yourself on Friday, just tell her then."

"Yeah, I should just say 'Hey Marinette, I love you even though this is our first date and I've been kissing you on your balcony for the past few nights.' I'm sure she would love that."

"Never know until you try!"

"You really aren't any help," Adrien picked up his phone to get advice from someone who was at least human and could understand on that level.

Adrien: Hey, can you meet up before school. I got to talk to you about something.

Nino: sure bro, b there in 5

Adrien pulled up to the school and saw Nino walking up at the same time.

"What's up my dude," Nino greeted.

Where to start? "I'm in love with Marinette." I really didn't think this out...

"Woah, that's, uh, sudden? You haven't even gone on your date yet."

"Let's go sit down, I've got some explaining to do," they headed to their seats in an empty classroom and Adrien started to explain.

"So let me get this straight," Nino said after listening intently. Looking around to make sure the room was still empty he continued, "Marinette treated you differently as Chat Noir so you got closer. Now you have a date tomorrow but she would be cheating on you with you..."

"Sums it up nicely."

"So then what exactly is the problem with dating her as yourself, I mean as Adrien and not Chat Noir?"

"Because what if she doesn't like Adrien? She acts so much more open when I'm with her as Chat Noir."

"Dude, you know she's had the biggest crush on you since you met. You as Adrien that is." That's getting confusing.

"She has?" He said oblivious as usual, "she never said anything about that." Except for that one time in the wax museum, but she said it was a joke...

"She may not have said it, but everyone could tell and Alya complained about her being a scaredy-cat for years. No pun intended."

"So she likes me?" The smile that crossed his face was pure joy.

" is a mild way of putting it," Nino said quietly as some other students had just walked in.

Adrien's face fell quickly, "wait, but now she likes, you know who, and if she ever found out I've been lying to her...she hates liars."


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