Flashback-1 week ago

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Adrien still didn't have a great relationship with his father after all that had happened. His father had done some horrible things, but Adrien couldn't hate him for what he did. They rarely showed affection like other families, but he knew his father loved him too. "Father, my friends and I want to throw a graduation party next Saturday to celebrate together."

"Saturday you say? You may attend but we are going to be leaving first thing Sunday morning. Take time to pack and make sure to not stay out too late."Gabriel stood tall and confident in the entrance hall.

"Yes, father."

"Be sure to complete the rest of your classes this week and even though fencing is done, you can continue to practice at home."

"Yes, father," Adrien said with his usual obedient tone.

"Are you not excited about graduating? You worked so hard to convince me to attend public school."

"I am, but a whole week away on vacation is a long time."

"I know you decided to stay in Paris for university, but leaving for a vacation during the summer will be good for you. We can organize some modeling shoots while we are in Africa."

"I don't care about modeling in Africa, father."

They paused as they heard heels clicking on the stairs and looked up.

"Wouldn't it be nice to go somewhere to all be together?" She said approaching Adrien and brushing his hair affectionately.

"Of course mother, we've missed so much time together," he wrapped his arms around her. Emilie Agreste held him close like she had several times a day since waking up from the coma.

"Gabriel, this family trip is to spend time together, no business whatsoever," she said sweetly.

"Of course you're right, Emilie," Gabriel's face softened and he joined them in a group hug.

"Now, do you want to go spend the day with your friends Adrien?" Emilie said.

"Yes, but I also want to spend time with you mom," Adrien had been conflicted a lot with this problem.

"I'm not going anywhere my angel, but we do need to talk to you about what happened."

"Emilie are you sure?" Gabriel asked.

"What?" Adrien looked on confused.

"Of course I'm sure, he needs to know the truth," she said determinedly.

"As you wish, my love," Gabriel said nodding along.

"Truth?" Adrien worried about what she might be referring to. He held his hand behind his back and fiddled with his ring.

"Come with us, let's go sit down as we talk," she said motioning to the sitting-room door. They all filed in and Adrien sat alone on a couch across from his parents.

Emilie hesitated not knowing exactly where to start, "first, I should ask if you know much about how the superheroes that defend Paris get their powers?"

"N-not much, th-they are magic right?" He said not wanting to give anything away and trying to think what he should know if he wasn't Chat Noir.

"The magic comes from somewhere," she said pausing again, "there are tiny creatures called Kwamis that grant the different powers. Each one lives inside an object called a Miraculous."

"Oh yeah, Ladybug tried to give me one actually, but I wasn't a good superhero so she chose someone else." That is safe to tell...

"What? When was this? What Miraculous?" Gabriel interjected in an intense voice.

Mirrored Secrets: A Miraculous TaleHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin