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There was a commotion at the entrance. Everybody turned their heads to look.
Things happened really fast.
Men in black uniforms slowly circled the place, blocking the exits.
Brandon stood back, his Father quickly stepping in beside him.
Your Father looked as puzzled as he could be, ruling out the chances of the men being extra security.

You turned around to see your Mother but she had simply disappeared.
A young man in a black suit slowly approached the canopy.
He looked very familiar for some reason, his tall built, tan skin, hazel eyes reminded you of someone.
As if sensing your eyes on him, he turned around to look at you, eyes lingering on you for a minute or two.

"Mr Park, Mr Lee, my apologies.", he smiled and took out his badge. Holding it up for them to see.
The two older men stood dumbfounded, staring at the younger officer.
Brandon looked like he had swallowed something sour.
"Both of you are required to come with us.
I'd advice you not to pull any tricks."
He waved towards the men standing guard, blocking every way out.
"I don't want you to break any of your frail, old bones."

You blinked a couple of times. It was almost like your emotions had all come to a standstill.
Surprisingly it was Brandon who spoke first.
He took a few steps towards the young man, hands in his pockets.
"Do you know who you're talking to?", he sneered.

Your eyes widened as you suddenly noticed your Mother standing beside the man in the black suit.
She had a file in her hand, she was holding it up in his direction.
He smiled and took it from her hands, flipping through it.
His smile grew wider.
He definitely looked very familiar. You just couldn't put your finger on it.

"Yes. I do.
Human trafficking, drug peddling, engaged in about a dozen hit and runs and more.
He is a criminal. Your Father."
He held the file up, one of the men in uniforms came and took it from his hand.

Then he turned to look at you, eyes softening slightly.
"And your Father has been helping him."

It's not like you hadn't read everything in Marcus' note already. It's not like you weren't preparing to bring the events of this day to life with every molecule in your body.
It was still unnerving to even imagine how deep it went.

You felt your Mother's hand holding your wrist.
"Yes. They are the ones behind the death of Rachel Park.
They killed her because of this file."

Brandon leaped towards your Mother and was instantly held back by men. The two older men were being handcuffed, both of them still too dumbfounded to speak.

The young officer walked towards where you and your Mother stood.
He took your Mother's hands in his, staring at her.
"Thank you for calling us", he said.
She smiled back, nodding her head.

"I should have done this sooner. But I was scared...
Scared that they'd kill me and my.. ", her voice trailed off, she looked at you.

You bit your lip, your throat ached. She really just risked everything to stop this wedding. Your heart ached at the thought of what could happen to her if a single step went wrong.

"This... isn't over yet..", you all turned around to see Brandon. He was struggling to free himself. There was pure malice in his eyes, his teeth bared as his eyes moved between you and your Mother.

The man in the suit waved his arm, they three men were taken away.

You stood there, heart pounding against your chest.
Something about his words were frightening.
The man turned around to look at you and nodded his head towards your Mother.
"Take her to Titanium, I'll meet you there in a while.
She'll be much safer there."

Before you could speak, he turned around and left.

Your phone pinged.

Yoongi : I'm here.

You took your Mother's arm and walked out. Not looking back to see the house being cleared out of people, the yellow tapes being put up.

You always hated this house. It was good that you'd never have to get back here again.

Leftover. Min Yoongi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now