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"... Did he really tell you what he'd done to me that day or should I?", your voice shook.

He stopped, his body went still.
There was a long pause.

"After I got your call that day...", Yoongi was avoiding looking at you.

"... I called him. I still remember he sounded very cheery until I asked him about why he did what he did..", suddenly he was there kneeling in front of you.

You look down at him, his eyes laced with pain and grief.

"... He said... He'd make sure that I can never have you."

His head dropped on your lap. You froze.

After a pause, you slowly reached out to stroke the top of his head. His dark hair silky, smooth, soft to your touch.

He brought his arms up to hold your waist. Sighing as his arms tightened around you.

Your head hurt, eyes stinging.

"The day he took me... I really thought I'd never get to see you again...", your voice hitched. The vivid memories of that day, spearing through you.

"I was so scared... so scared... It was all my fault, I sent you away..", his voice was muffled.
He shuddered.

You bent down and hugged his head.
Tears spilling down your cheeks.

You both stayed there, clinging to each other.

His voice was almost inaudible this time, "What scared me the most was the fact that he really can take you from me, he has everything... and now it's really happening...."

Your arms tightened around him, despite the growing ache in your throat your voice came out strong.
"I'll kill him with my bare hands if he tries to come between us."

Yoongi's head jerked up, almost hitting you in the face. You moved back, startled.
He looked at you for a while and then grinned, gums flashing.

You felt yourself smiling.

"Do you... Do you think Titanium would help us?", he suddenly stiffened.

He moved his arms away, slowly standing up.

He looked troubled.

You remembered your days at the Titanium, three entire years of memories you couldn't get past.

You knew it was risky to go back there. Yoongi knew what those last days at Titanium did to you.

The line between good and bad is really thin. We are both. That's what makes us human. However, it's up to you to decide if you want to discard one or walk with both.

Marcus' words came back to you.

"... Marcus? Is he...?", your voice trailed off.

"Dead.", Yoongi replied.

You closed your eyes and shook your head.

You felt his hands gripping your shoulders, you opened your eyes.
Yoongi was staring straight at you.

".. You really want to do this?"

There was that familiar conflict within you. Good and Bad.

You sigh and look away from his face. If only you could stop pretending to be good.

His grip tightened on your shoulders.

Your phone pinged.

Yoongi moved away as you fished it out of your pocket.

Father : I'm arranging for a party tonight. Brandon will be there. I expect you to be present.

You groaned and showed the text to Yoongi. His face hardened.

Leftover. Min Yoongi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now