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Everybody was in a hurry back home. You ran up to your room, shutting the door.

Yoongi was adamant about finding a way out of this as soon as possible, you were on the verge of giving up on everything.

Walking back home with him was tough, but things seemed a bit easier after what had followed the day of your arrival.

It was only tough because everything within, wanted you run away with him as far possible and never return.

He was happy though, when you handed him a bag full of tangerines. You had been carrying it around for a long time, trying to find the right moment to give it to him.

He flashed his gummy smile before reaching out to take it from your hands, eyes crinkling as he smiled.
Seeing him smiling made everything easier. So much easier.

Now that you were back in your room, your head was spinning with the mere thought of Brandon standing in front of you.

The last time you saw him was when you jumped from a two storey building and lay there on the road screaming and clutching at your broken leg.

You felt like throwing up for a good three minutes. There was a sudden knock on your door.

Heart thumping, you went and unlocked the door.

Mom stood there, looking really bright and beautiful in her evening attire.

"Your Father is asking for you. Can you get dressed and join us downstairs?"

You swallowed and nodded your head.

She smiled and left.

You sat down on the bed, your hand brushed against silk. Looking down you noticed the burgundy silk dress on your bed.

You groaned. It really wasn't the time to wear a strappy sexy dress just to see your abductor.

Your phone pinged.
Yoongi : I might just crash this party.
Just letting you know.

You looked at the screen quizzically.

Was he kidding? Did he want an all out war? What was he planning?

Y/n : Sure. Cool. Sounds dandy.

An hour later you were down in the garden, people scattered about and made way for you to walk. Bowing and smiling.

Father was never not extravagant about parties. Very few of them were faces you recognised from your childhood, everybody else included his business partners and colleagues.

They knew you for two very varied reasons. One of them being you were a really well behaved, kind, sweet girl. Two, for being an absolutely rebellious wild child who fled her home at twenty to work for a gang.

You smiled at them. Either way, as long as they maintained distance it was all good.

Your eyes scanned the entire span of the garden, people bustling around to finally land on your parents.
Mother stood there absent mindedly conversing with some snobby looking old women, who she could never meddle with.
Father.. well he stood there smiling wide, chest puffed up, arms wide out conversing with...

Is that Mr Park and... is that..

Brandon Park.

He stood there in his tailor made navy blue suit, smiling, laughing. Surprisingly, this time his hair was black. Which only made his pale skin and sharp dark features stand out in contrast.

Blinding white rage surged through your veins at the sight of him. Even after so many years, the emotions he evoked remained unchanged.

You realized you had been staring at him when he turned around and caught your eye. He smiled, showing teeth.

Here we fucking go.

Leftover. Min Yoongi x ReaderWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt