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You stepped out of the cab, the sun was too bright. You adjusted your oversized dark shades.
People were already turning around to stare at you as you walked up to the entrance.
The all black ensemble was really not intended towards trying to look like a part of the underworld, it was just an amalgamation of whatever catered to your mood this morning.

On top of that Father wanted to discuss things about the wedding tonight. Contribution to the glum.

It wasn't like you were intimidated or felt out of place here. It wasn't like clubs were your most favourite places on Earth, they really weren't.
You weren't fond of crowds.
It was just more about what this place gave you.

You hadn't told Yoongi that you were going to drop by at Titanium thinking about how he'd try to stop you.

The bouncer at the door stood tall and alert.
"Ma'am, we're not open yet."

You smiled, reliving memories from the past.
"Tell Chloe, Nebula is here."

He looked really surprised for a minute and then whipped out his phone, typing in something.
You waited.
After a while, he looked up.
"Please, come in Ma'am. My apologies."

You nodded and stepped in. The cool air hit you in the face, your eyes adjusted to the dim lights inside.
You took your shades off.
You were about to put them back in your bag when you were suddenly engulfed by a pair of arms, a voice squealing into your ears.

"Nebula!", she squeezed you harder.
You held her back. Smiling.
".. God I thought you'd never get back... I missed you so much..", she pouted.

"I thought the same... It seems like I'm never getting out of here.", you whispered.

Soon you were seated in the office. Chloe running around in her six inch heels effortlessly.
"Just iced tea, Chloe...", you groaned.

She smiled her mischievous smile, "Just a single shot, Nebs..."

She tapped the shot glass against the table.
"... For old times' sake and to wipe off that shitty look from your gorgeous face."

You groaned again. You still didn't understand how she convinced you so well.
You took the shot and downed it. Grimacing hard.
Vodka was the only thing that Chloe ever offered you.

She giggled as she downed hers. You noticed how much Chloe had changed, her hair was ice blonde now, stacked up in a high sleek ponytail.
Her porcelain skin with all her battle scars, still as stunning as ever in that teal blue off shoulder dress.
You were happy she didn't try to hide her skin anymore.
Her petite frame balanced on the six inch heels she was running around in.

Chloe looked happy, your heart warmed at the sight of her.

"You in love with me yet?", she cocked a dark eyebrow at you, grinning.

You smiled. Love. Love you remembered.
You felt your smile disappearing.

"Help me out, Chloe.", your voice came out desperate.

Her eyebrows knitted, she placed her hand on yours.
"But... I don't understand why are you here instead of talking to Yoongi about it?"

You blinked, not understanding.
She noticed the confused expression on your face, her eyes widened.
She pressed a hand to her mouth, leaning back in her chair.

Just then there was a commotion outside, you turned your head around.
Chloe was on her feet in an instant, rushing towards the door.
But she wasn't fast enough, the door opened almost hitting her in the face.

You stared at the man, standing there in a sleek grey suit, smiling at Chloe.

She looked pained for a second, "Boss...", her voice came out in a whisper.

Yoongi's eyes widened as they landed on you.

Leftover. Min Yoongi x ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora