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Brandon's grip was bruising your arm, you were twisting it around trying to make him let go as he dragged you.
You were honestly thankful that the garden was empty, everybody had left. Except the two old men standing and conversing in the corner.

You realized you weren't wearing shoes and groaned.

"You can let go. I'm not running.", Brandon stopped and stared at you, hand still grabbing your arm.

You looked into his eyes, unflinching. He slowly released his grip.
Turning around to walk towards your Father and Mr Park.

You stood there in silence, rubbing at the spot on your arm that hurt.
The resistance wasn't outward anymore, it was inward.

You were just resisting your twenty one year old self, who wouldn't blink twice before taking things in her hand.
Given the circumstance, nothing was helping.

You noticed Brandon smiling as he accompanied the two men walking towards you.
Your Father had a huge smile on, almost looking like he'd cry any minute. Mr Park took your hand, shaking it firmly as he smiled at you.
Brandon put a hand down on your shoulder, you glared at him.

"I am so happy you chose to do this... ", your Father enveloped you in his arms.
Your heart was thumping against your chest, head spinning.
"... I can't believe you listened to your Father and decided to marry him...
I am so proud of you.."

You opened your mouth and closed it.
Your head was spinning, you bit down on your lip and tasted blood.
"We should probably get things moving then? The sooner the better, right?",  Mr Park's words seemed like they were coming from afar.

"Yes, I would definitely like things to happen faster now that we're both decided..", Brandon perked in, smiling at you.

The three of them were having an extremely animated conversation.

"I...  I am really exhausted.. I'll go rest..", your voice came out really frail and small.

"Yes, of course.. go ahead. I'll see you tomorrow morning.", your Father smiled and patted your shoulders.

You turned around and walked into the house. Almost colliding with your Mother, who looked out of breath and worried.

She held your arm, eyes searching your face.

"What happened?", her voice cracked.
You just stood there staring at her.

"What happened? Tell me.", she insisted, her hand gripping your arms tighter.

"He... he.. told them that I said yes to the marriage..", you trailed off, looking down at your feet.

"I'll talk to your Father-", you grabbed her arm, stopping her.

"Let's go sleep. I'm tired.", your shoulders slumped. Her eyes softened.

Soon you were tucked into bed, you don't remember changing out of your clothes or taking a bath.
Everything happened in a blur.

Her hand lay on your stomach, her breathing was soft as she slept. She always slept soundly when you were by her side.
Every bone in your body ached in exhaustion, yet you couldn't fall asleep.
You lay there with your eyes closed, just breathing.

The emotions inward were so muddled that it felt like a void now. Time was limited.

You checked Yoongi's text again.
Yoongi : We really need a plan.

Leftover. Min Yoongi x ReaderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora