Fire in the Pit

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"Well... we meet again!", he comes walking towards you with open arms, ready to embrace you.

You smile back and hold up your hand. You mouth, No.

He nods his head but keeps smiling. You really didn't like the way he stood so close to you.

"Don't do anything that makes me want to pull a punch in front of your Father.
Maintain distance.
I never welcomed you.", you show teeth.

He grins, "Has the leg healed?"

You clench your jaw.

He leans in closer, "What if you can't run away this time, babe?"

You smile, getting closer to him.
"Then I'll make sure you can't run away either.
I'll make sure the fire that you set, burns us both, Brandon."

Just then your Father steps in, Mr Park following behind.

There was another man you hated, rumours were that he killed his own wife because she wanted to give out some crucial information about his business.
Also, the way he told your Father to send you away all those years back.

He stepped into your space, taking your arm as he kissed your knuckle.

You wanted to throw up but swallowed and smiled instead.

He smiled, his flashy white teeth looked photoshopped onto his old wrinkly face.
His eyes covered with shades. Weirdly he never took that off.

"How have you been, my darling girl?", he asked, leaning forward.

"I have been well. I take good care of myself.", you chewed out your response with a smile.

Your Father smiles and steps in, his arm extended towards Brandon.

"I have to say, you two look really good together.
Look at you young, fine looking people here...
Don't they look perfect together, Park?", he sneered at his best friend who nodded and agreed.

Brandon stared at you, his dark eyes glittered as he smirked and nodded at them.
You wanted to get away from these people as fast as you could.

Your Mother stepped in, you let out the breath you were holding. Grateful to have her standing by your side.

"Richard.. the pianist for this evening called in.
Apparently, he caught a flu or cold or something.
I told him we could cancel but he insisted on making an appearance but only for one piece.", She looked at your Father expectantly, having being done with all she had to say.

Your Father had this confused look on his face but before he could say anything, there was a commotion at the entrance.

You all turned to look at what was happening.
Just then one of the staff came in, out of breath.

"Sir, the pianist has arrived."

Just then your eyes landed on the man in the sleak black suit standing in the middle of the crowd.

Even with the black mask covering half his face, you could never ever miss those breathtaking, beautiful, sharp eyes of his.

You had to fight really hard to keep yourself from smiling.


Your phone pinged.

Yoongi : Are you wearing that dress for me?

You looked up from phone and straight at him.

You bit your lip. His gaze was fiery, eyes slowly traveling up your body, taking in every inch of you.

This night was going to be eventful.

Leftover. Min Yoongi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now