Chapter 12: She can Fight

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{There's been questions there's been doubts, Can our Hybird faunus fight well today training session might prove so let's see our Girl kick ass}
(Y/n pov)
*We can see a training platform more of, Goodwitch personally wanted to see if Y/n had any fighting experience so it was a perfect excuse as one might say*
Y/n: U-Umm training Professor Goodwitch?

Glynda: Yes we did this before, but since you arrived quite late do to your recovery, now that you arrive and well recovered, Now it's time to see what your made off.

*I gulps a bit, sure I train a lot time to time with Qrow and Raven, and occasionally by myself but I never actually fought someone*

Glynda: Now who would like to volunteer?
*a girl with gray hair raises her hand*

Glynda: Now who would like to volunteer?*a girl with gray hair raises her hand*

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???: I'd like to volunteer Professor Goodwitch.

Glynda: Ah Mercury correct well, How about it Y/n?

*I felt to nervous to talk so I give a shy nod and Goodwitch asked us to step on the platform we both get into stance*

Mercury: *She looks at me and I shake a bit which she seems to notice my nervousness* Hey no need to be nervous I was like that when I first fought against someone, so take it easy and give me all you got Wolfie.

Y/n "W-Whats with everyone c-calling me w-wolfie?!" *blushes lightly*

(Author: I don't know Y/n maybe cause it sounds cute..)

(Y/n: You like t-to see me s-suffer don't you??!)

(Author: Whhhhaat...noooo..*snickers* Maybe..hehe.)
(Her Harem pov)

Harem: "💢This bitch/jerk, who does she think she is!!!💢"
(Author: Uh oh think Mercury, triggered your guys Harem...good luck!!!)
(Back to Y/n Pov)

*The two of us get into our prefer stance I hold w/n (weapon name), switched it to duel scythe mode, taking deep breaths letting myself calm down, and focus*

Glynda: *looks between us then nods* Began!

*We dash at each other and clash Mercury with Her right leg and I use thee short blade of my Duel scythe to block it*

Y/n: "She has strong kicks and her weapon seems to be apart of it maybe.."

*Gets kicked back and I Grit my teeth and dash at Her, quickly switching my Duel Scythe into Duel Kusarigama mode, and the chains attached come out and I swing at Mercury, She was caught off guard by the sudden switch, but dashes but using her legs to block most of my attacks*

Mercury: "Man she's good, I'm actually getting overwhelmed here!"

Y/n: *I swing my weapon around with speed, to try to throw Mercury off her game, and go for strike to her side using the blunt end of my weapon, not wanting to use the blade side, and strike Mercury side which I see she grits her teeth and gets sent back a bit I got to strike again but Mercury says something that made me stop completely*

Mercury: *with her hands raised* I give up! *she exclaims*

Y/n: *stops instantly and brings my weapon back to normal mode* W-What? Your s-surrendering? *I asked confused*

Mercury: Yes, I can see clearly, that I am outmatched and the one swing took it out of me. *points at the screen showing her status, it's on the edge of red* Your pretty good there wolfie, knew there was something in there that has a fight.*She smiled, Her compliment spread a dust of red to my cheeks, and I smiled back as we shake hands*

Glynda: Very good Ms.Rose, you used your weapon to your availability, utilized its mode, you also seem to analyzed your enemy's main use of combat style, very good Y/n.

Y/n: *the dust on her cheeks increases* "T-To many c-compliments..."

(Author: Get yourself together, girl!)

*We both walk off the platform and I was immediately hugged by Ruby and Nora*

Ruby: That was so amazing, You were so cool, and Your weapon is so awesome!!!*She exclaims happily Nora with the some excitement*

Nora: I know right, you went like swing, and swoosh and them bam!, and show that Mercury chick your moves!!.

*The rest come over to us and some chuckle and some giggled shaking their heads*

Yang: That was pretty badass Kitten, I can't believe how hard you worked to be that amazing.

Phyraah: I honestly couldn't think I be able to match up against that, Your more agile and flexible during that fight.

*Me here trying to not have a blushing meltdown, Compliments are my weakness after all*

Blake: *chuckles* Okay guys that's enough, I don't think our Kitten here can handle anymore compliments, she's red as a tomato right now.

*The girls them looks at me, My face was really bright as a tomato putting Phyraah red Hair to shame*

Jana: *giggles* Wow, sorry babe.

Y/n: I-Its o-okay j-just n-not use to b-being c-complimented o-on a-a lot..
*I stammer out, taking deep breaths as the bell rings and Glynda dismissed the class*

Rin: I say we go to that new restaurant that opened up, sides our Wolfie here earned it, after that display during training. *Rin said smiling*

Jana: Yeah I agree with Rin, Y/n earned it, but we haven't really token her out on a official date.*Jana concluded*

*Everyone agreed that they take me out, on a official Date*

Y/n: *I blush at this* "I never been on a date before, w-what w-would I wear then?"

*As I was in thought I accidentally bump into someone, I was about trip but they caught me*

???: Whoa there Kitty, you alright, sorry I didn't see where I was going.

*I nods and she helps me up*

Yang: Hey Coco I see your team is back. *Yang says and I look at the girl named Coco, she a very nice form and she had her cool sun glasses on*
Coco: Yeah was a long mission but we're it back, and I see you have a new addition on your guys team, Y/n right?

*She hands out her hand to me and I give a shy nod shaking her hands she smirks at my shyness*

Nora: Yelp our baby girl, and yeah were her harem, which is crazy right! *Nora exclaims in a positive way*

Coco: *raises a brow in surprise and amused* Wow a Harem I see, well she does seem special might have to hang out with her later if you all don't mind that is?.

*Everyone looks at Yang and Blake, who seem to be thinking they look at each other for a good bit then, nods*
Blake: Sure just as long you won't pull any moves without us knowing their your more them welcome to hang out with her.

Coco: Cool cool, well gotta to go My team is waiting for me and oh Y/n *I look at her she hold her glasses down a little letting me see her beautiful brown eyes* I'll talk to you later. *shes winks and walks off to her team dorm leaving me a blushing*

Yang: *wraps her arms around my waist* Well well Kitten seems like, Your beauty and looks are catching eyes of many other girls, we might have to keep a good eye out hmm?

*I blush more as we head back to out dorms room to get ready for that date the wanted to take me out to*
[Timeskip new chapter]

(Author: There we go a new decently long chapter, and y'all got to see how our little wolf kitten hybrid fights!, hope you liked this chapter sorry if it wasn't like what you expected!)

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