Chapter 2: Choice to live and forgive.

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{Y/n pov}
*all you hear is a beeping of a heart monitor and voices you felt a kiss on your forehead and you shift a gasp was heard and you try to open your eyes once slowly opened you might with a bright light so your eyes adjusted once adjusted you spot familiar figures*

Tai: H-Hey sweetie its okay..we won't calm down.

*You start to shake a little still*
Y/n:...d-did I mess..up a-again..I'm s-sorry Master and Mistresses *Sniffling and still shake they all had their eyes realizing the full extent of the pain the caused*

Tai: you didn't anything wrong and please N/n honey don't call us that I'm dad...*Points at Summer* she's mommy and these *then at Yang and Ruby* You sisters you don't have to call us that sweetie.

Qrow: I'll get a nurse real quick. *She left to go get a nurse*

Summer: Baby *Gently walks over to her and gently holds her hand Y/flinched which surprised everyone then she settles* we..are so so sorry.

Yang: We really are lil sis *Gently rubs Y/n leg that's cover in a blanket*

Y/n *flinches a little again and slightly tearing up* Y-Your not g-gonna hurt me?

Tai: *shakes head immediately* No oum no! Sweetie what happen was believe it or not was..*sighs calming down* was due to a grim we had no idea was near and it screwed it our minds..were very sorry *holds Y/n hand* give us one chance to make it up to you.

Y/n: *Looks at Summer and the Sisters they have the same pleading eyes Y/n starts thinking moment then she came up with a decision* O-okay I'll g-give you one m-more chance.

Summer: *smiles and places a light kiss on the forehead* Thats all we ask we'll earn your trust back..oh! I brought someone excited to see you he misses you. *she unzips a backpack and Zwei immediately pops his head out*

Ruby: Yeah we snuck him in..dont tell the Doctors hehe. *Y/n in the first time in a while smiles letting out a light giggle which made everyone smile back, Zwei hop out the bag and hop the bed and into Y/n arms*

Y/n: H-Hey buddy..hehe..*giggled more*

Qrow: Nice to see you smile again kiddo *Comes in as zwei hides from a nurse following Her in*

Nurse: Mr, Xiao long I'll give her a check up see how she is and you'll be able to discharge her. *Tai nods as everyone gives the nurse room to check on Y/n*

|look Pikachu it's another Timeskip!!!|

*Y/n being check up was good to go they make their journey back home Y/n getting a piggyback ride back since she still fairly weak*

Ruby: Oh I can't wait we get have some time to spend with you before we go to beacon it's gonna be fun!! *Ruby jumping around excitedly*

Yang: *Chuckles at her other little sisters excitement* Calm down sis once we're home Y/n here needs a bath. *Yang says, Y/n snuggles into her shoulder excitedly*

Tai: *Admires their sibling love* glad she isn't skittish and flinchy.

Qrow: *Hums nodding* As You said were gonna have to earn her trust, sides don't want one of my nieces scared of me.

Summer: Dont worry well make it work we did before and I'm sure can we earn it again. *Shes say determine faces*

Yang: Hey Y/n..*looking over her shoulder at her sister who she's carrying (Y/n is piggybacking on Yang)*

Y/n: Y-Yeah yang? *asked Y/n kinda shaking a bit*

Yang: *Sighs a bit* I-I'm sorry..I mean...we made a pinky promise and I broke it..

Y/n: B-But...*She gets cut off by Yang*

Yang: No buts...sure we may not have been in the right minds but..we still, *takes a deep breath and exhales* We still did it we caused you pain and I promise..I really really promise this time I'll protect you, I'll be the best Huntress ever..

Y/n:..*giggles as Yang raised a confused brow* I..I guess your gonna Yang through it.

Yang: *gasp at the pun* You just puned me!?..un-huh Sister that's big sis thing and dang right I'ma yang through.

Ruby: Could say she Yang away the competition. *Ruby chimed in with a Pun*

Yang: You too!? Agh nooo I'm the pun master here girls..*We all looked at each before breaking out in laughter*

Summer: Sooo..freaking cute!??! *Recording the three sisters moment never wanting to let go of this memory*

Tai: Your glad you didn't go after her do you now? *asked tai*

Summer: Yeah plus Ruby and Y/n need their mother and I treat Yang just the same as she were my own daughter so yeah I guess I am glad. *Holds hands together*

Qrow: Yeesh get a room you two making me feel alone here.

*They three laughs a bit enjoying the three young sisters having fun with each other*

|Stop..timeskip time toooo new chapter|

|Through pain to Happiness| Harem RWBY x Abused Rare Wolf/Cat Faunus Fem/Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن