Chapter 7: The past slowly reveals!

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{Y/n pov}

!Y/n mothers are both named, Lena
and Olivia!

[Our lovely beautiful Y/n can be seen sleeping with Team JNRP cuddle up with Li Rin who won the short straw game, anyways our Y/n can be seen having a dream..or could it be a flashback memory of her past..]

~The Flashback~
Lena: Hehe *giggles as She sees a Little Y/n and Blake playing with each other* It's so cute when they are like this I'm glad you offered us to come camping Kali.

Kali: Don't be sister it's always a sight for sore eyes to see those two playing they are child-hood friends after all. *smiles at the sight*

Ghira: They are the soul of Faunus I can't wait to them side by side each other when the grow up..*he smiles* (Yes, plus the name is already fitting so..yessss..well depends still thinking.)

Olivia: Oh it's going to be amazing those two fighting side by side they'll be a impossible duo! *she smirks feeling happy at the thought*

Lena: Hun-.....**boom!**

*A explosion can be heard and some human pirates can be seen storming in Ghira and Olivia told Lena and Kali to get to safety as they fight them off The Old white fang help defend off...but daring the chaos a Male pirate ended up grabbing Y/n before anyone could have and kidnapped her.*

~End of Flashback~

Y/n: *wakes up instantly sweating and panting this woken up Team JNPR and instantly comfort Y/n she told them she was fine just a really really bad nightmare they comforted her a little bit more until she felt tired again and everyone went back to sleep* "W-What was all of that.."

*Daring the day Y/n can be seen talking to Blake about the Memory she had last night*

Blake: *sighs hugs Y/n feeling guilty and almost wanted to cry* I-I so sorry when we were playing I tried to find you but when the explosion it screwed up my hearing and the ring started to bother me we tried for days, trying to find you, we had been told that a Male Human had you and that they had put him in custody, but they didn't tell us that they found you.

Y/n: *hugs blake back tearing up as she starts to remember* I-Is my mothers s-still alive?..

Blake: *nods hugging Y/n tighter* I cant wait til for you too be back to them..*tears up slightly*

Y/n: Blakey..

Blake: N/n..

*they pulled away slightly to look at each other in the eyes the chemistry built up they started to lean..close...then their lips met as they smiled and continued to kiss, Blakes hands found themselves placed around Y/n waist on her back pulling Y/n flush against Her, Y/n wrap her arms around Blake's neck deepening the kiss more, unfortunately they need to separate from lack of air and pulled away panting look at each other in the eyes once more resting their foreheads together*

Blake: I to have you back..N/n *pants feeling a huge weight off of her*

Y/n: Me too blakey..I'm so happy to finally remember..*smiles*

**What they didn't know was that a certain Yellow fire loving someone came around at the wrong time**

Yang:...*feels her heart hurt as she feels jealousy and pain?* "W-Why do I feel like this..s-shes my adopted her..." *shakes her head taking deep breaths as her eyes flickered to red then back to Purple* "I should feel..happy but they barely..known each other..maybe I can talk to them about why they were k-kissing.."

**She walks away with a lot on her mind now**

{Time skip to new chapter}

|Through pain to Happiness| Harem RWBY x Abused Rare Wolf/Cat Faunus Fem/ReaderHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin