Chapter Prologue p2: The birth of darkness

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"Example" ("talking in thought")
It's been three more years that made Y/n the most happiest She has ever been but then suddenly the nightmare she dealt with came back now the age of 12 the family started to act weird then it happen the pain started from the adults then so on..

Y/n: "I...I don't u-understand why are they acting like this!?" *sniffles and sobs as she is in her bed in pain*

Yang: Hey!! Come here I need help with my training and the punching bag is destroyed!!


Tai: Brat thought I told you to clean the hole house!??!

It never stop there's time where they were somewhat merciful so there was time to rest to.. prepare for the next day this continued until she was at the age of 16 now the real story continues will our little Y/n finally get some rest well she finally find peace may not know.

(A/n umm I know I screwed up on the age but umm I made it so Y/n is a one year younger them Yang so to clear up the confusion, also there's going to be some inspiration from another writer and I want to give them a shout out later.)

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