Chapter 4: The Beacon of Light

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(I tend to forget to put in the pov so umm me bad writer hehe)

With a eventful visit from the Headmistress of Beacon academy Y/n prepares herself Ozina told her that since there's no extra members she would be place on Team RWBY and Team JNRP as support for both teams, they are aware of the new support teammate but what they don't know is that it's Y/n herself.

{Y/n pov}

Summer: Awww c-can't believe my babies are g-going to be gone..*sniff* you three grow up so, okay so theres a suit case for you and rwby for cookies and yangs favorite soda, umm um..

Y/n: M-mama it's fine I'll be fine *trying to calm down her mother*

Summer: I know, I know just you three make us so proud. *Tai wraps "His" arms around her shoulder*

(Put a vote here for yes for gender bent Tai or No for gender bent Tai?)

Tai: Go and make us proud sweetie, also tell Yang I know bout Junior *Whispers in her ear*

Glynda: Child we must go now don't want to waste time.

*Y/n nods giving Tai and Summer a hug both them giving it back as the wave goodbye as Y/n hops in the Bullhead and smiles a bit waving back as the slide door shuts the bullhead taking off*

Y/n: M-Ms Goodwitch? *Y/n asked*

Glynda: Yes child what is it?

Y/n: What did Headmistress mean by Rare breed of Faunus?

Glynda: *Raises a brow* The Yin Yang faunus's for what was told was extremely gifted they can switch between the flight or fight mode being normal or being a fighter you would need to speak to the headmistress for more detailed information about them.

*Y/n nods and starts wondering about what happen to her biological mother anyways she shrugs and puts on headphones and listens to f/m (Favorite music) and enjoys the ride*


Glynda: Child where here. *Glynda Informs an almost half asleep Y/n who wakes up immediately then shakes of the chills running down her spine as she walks up to the window and sees a sight that can cheer anyone's day*

Y/n: Whoaaa..*sees the Academy in full sight*

{Glynda pov}

Glynda: "Y/n is quite a beautiful lady..wait Glynda what the heck that's inappropriate to think of a student...haa *shakes her hear trying to change her thoughts to something else* wonder if Tai told Y/n yet about Beacon be a all Female Academy *Then she looks at Y/n beauty and the thoughts come back* again something about Y/n I can shake off this urge..smmm calm yourself Glynda"

Y/n: I cant believe this place existed when I was told bout Huntresses and when aunty Qrow and Raven saved me.

Glynda: I heard of that, child what you went through twice, your quite brave and strong to endure it all and very patient to one of the few reasons why I actually agreed with Ozina to have you here early.

*Y/n looks at me with wide eyes surprised that Glynda recommended*

Y/n: Y-You recommended me? *Points at her self to which I nod to her question and that seems to have brighten her spirits more she looks out the window as the bullhead starts it landing procedure*

Glynda: *in the first time I let out a giggle shaking my head* "I have to admit she has a quite a cute Smile."

Pilot: Were landing ma'am.*The Pilot notified Me*

|Through pain to Happiness| Harem RWBY x Abused Rare Wolf/Cat Faunus Fem/ReaderDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora