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Bakugo was pissed.

His mother had found out about the phone call that he had with Muzuki and said that she will go instead of him.

It was his first day at UA and he couldn't miss it.

What made his day worse, the damn Deku was in his same school and class!
He swore to whatever God that was real, he was gonna blow the whole school up.

"Calm down Muzuki. My husband has already gone to the police with a picture of Y/n, I called Inko about the situation and she's on her way." Mitsuki said as she tried to calm the young mother down.

Mitsuki honestly didn't know how to comfort Muzuki in this situation. She has never lost Katsuki before, neither has Inko lost Izuku. Not even in stores!

Mitsuki doesn't think Muzuki even had the chance to lose Y/n in a store yet.

"Is this my fault? Should I have gone to sleep before she did?" Muzuki was bringing up reasons why it would be her fault.

And it was convincing her a lot.

"I'm here!" Inko came in, looking like she just ran a mile. Which she kinda did. She was pretty far away when she was called about this.

As the two mothers try to calm down the young mom. Masaru was at the police station. As he was failing for Y/n as a missing person, a detective was passing by.

And hearing the missing person report popped up an idea in their mind. They quickly made their way to a special meeting room that was fully dedicated to the vigilante; Black Knight.

"Ah, Shin. Got any updates for us?" The leader of the group to try and track down the vigilante, said.

"Not really. But, have we ever checked in different types of reports that went back to, 2 or 3 years ago. The vigilante hasn't been going on for that long, and has just recently started." Shin spoke.

"We already had gone with that theory. But it didn't work, no nothing has been reported similar to the Black Knight or connected twords them-"

"I know. But have we tried thinking if the Black Knight was not the one being reported. But the one failing the report themselves?" Shin interrupted one of the teammates speaking. Which caused them to pout and just snack on something

"That doesn't really narrow down things. A lot of people come into report about a lot of things. And in all honesty, I don't think most of the complaints were officially filed down. And do you even know what kind of report the vigilante would have reported?"
The leader of the team spoke.

He wasn't wrong. Most crimes aren't even reported because a pro Hero just swoops in and everything is ok.

Shin paused for a moment. For some reason, out of all the times his mind could wander off, it was right at this moment he thought of the report he found that was against his father.

His face scrunched up in disgust. His stomach feeling like a knot was being formed inside. Some wouldn't believe their own father would do such a thing.

But deep inside of Shin, he knew. He knew his father was just down right horrible. But didn't want to see that part of him. Because he had to deal with the man everyday. Of every hour and second. And try not to punch the ever living shit out of him.

Shin sighed as everyone just went back to doing their thing and he sat down in his chair. He pulled his phone out and went to his contacts and was about to text his mother.

But decided not to. He put his phone back and tried to narrow the reports down. Really, why was life so stressful. He would kill to jump off a roof just to feel the breeze.

News of Y/n's disappearance had finally reached Izuku and Shouto when the terms had gone to their homes.

Izuku found out by his mother while Shouto and his sister found out when he asked to hang with Y/n and asked Fuyumi to call Muzuki when was a good time. Just for the phone to be answered by someone else and a crying Muzuki in the background.

The next day, flyers of Y/n were out, the young teens only got to help look for her after school and on weekends due to them having school.

It was hard for Izuku to focus on school though. He was worried sick for Y/n, he felt like a failure, he promised to protect and be there for her. But here he was. In his room just sulking.

Class 1A had to go to a field trip. Yay.

Izuku was happy about the trip, but he could be using that time to look for Y/n! But his mother said that the others had things handled. Which Katsuki said was stupid and the cops were assholes for not working good enough

Shouto was at first going to use his father to find a way to find Y/n. But Fuyumi said that won't be necessary. So he didn't. But was still thinking of ways to find the younger.


Muzuki was walking with a police officer and Mitsuki. Looking around once again around a area that was near the place she and Y/n stayed.

Muzuki's eyes were still red. Eye bags were getting deeper the more time Y/n wasn't found.

Mitsuki was focusing more on Muzuki then to what the police man was saying. Worried the young mother would collapse at any moment.

Mitsuki was still thinking about some other things the police had not done since Y/n went missing, they never set foot in the girls room. To think they would at least do that to see if there might have been some clues.

But then Mitsuki remembered, Muzuki had ransacked Y/n's room out of frustration on the day Y/n went missing.

Suddenly, Muzuki ran off ahead of the police man and Mitsuki.



Both of them called out for her, but she didn't listen. She didn't want to listen too focused on what she saw in front of her


In front of the swings.

A girl with H/c hair in a red hoodie stood.

"Y/N!" Muzuki shouted as tears started to form in her eyes and hope started to rise in her chest. The little girl turned her head.

Muzuki hugged the younger tightly. Not intending to let go.
"Oh, baby. I found you! I found you. . . "
Muzuki started to whisper and repeat a few words. He grip on the young was strong. But the other didn't seem to bother them.

The police man sighed and reached for his monitor to report that they had found Y/n.

Mitsuki watched the two.

Y/n had looked up to Mitsuki, surprising the other a little. Y/n kept eye contact before smiling.

Mitsuki frowns
Something didn't feel right

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