What an Animal!(end)

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You woke up with Mike on the couch. It was a bright morning and you saw the sun rise from your window. You yawned, and stretched,"Mike, it's time to wake up..."You whispered. You turned your head to see him and you noticed his dog ears were missing,"Mike. Your ears are gone!"You said getting up. He opened his eyes slowly and yawned. He got up and touched the side of his head. "No Mike, I'm talking about the Dog ears!"You pointed out. He touched the top of his head and he noticed his ears were gone. "Oh...That's a shame. I actually kinda liked it."He said stretching some more. You sighed,"Well it was fun while it lasted."
He nodded, then spoke up,"But I will still be your guard dog.~"He poked your arm. You blushed,"That's sweet." He hugged you tightly.
"I love You (y/n)."He said kissing your forehead. You blushed more,"I-I love you too Mikey."

You woke up next to Jeremy. You smiled and placed your hand on his cheek. He groaned and opened his eyes,"Oh...Hi (y/n)..."He yawned. You smiled,"Good Morning Jeremy."
You started petting his head, but then you noticed he wasn't purring. You looked at the top of his head and his cat-ears were gone,"Jeremy the potion wore off."You said getting up. He touched the top of his head and turned around to see if he had his tail,"Aww....That's okay though."He got up and streatched. "But can we still cuddle?"He blushed asking. You smiled and nodded. He smiled and cuddled up against you. You laughed,"Your still like a cat though."

You woke up on your bed. You had to find a way home without being chased by Fritz yesterday and you did. You still enjoyed spending time with him though. You left your room and saw Fritz eating cereal and watching Tv. "Hi (y/n)."He said with his mouth full. You noticed his ear and tail were gone,"Did the potion wear off?"You asked sitting on the couch. He nodded,"Yeah. Sorry I chased you yesterday. I didn't know what got over me."
"It's okay."You said watching the show.
"I really didn't mean to..."
"it's fine."
"Well you had a good time right?"He asked.
"Well it was fun running around the neighborhood like a lunatic."You answered.
"oh....That's nice."

Phone Guy:
You woke up cuddling with Pg. "Good morning Pg..."you yawned. He yawned and got up,"Morning (y/n)..."
"The potion wore off."You said pointing at his head. His rabbit ears were gone. He sighed,"Well that's not that bad."
You pouted,"Yes it is. I thought you were cute with those ears and the fluffy tail..."
"Men aren't suppose to be cute."He stood up and stood like a warrior.
"oh whatever!"You laughed.

You woke up on your bed. You got up and opened your door. When you got out you saw that your door was scratched up. Wow. He REALLY wanted to get in. "Good morning my kitty~"He waved. You rolled your eyes,"Vinny your not a cat anymore so don't call me that."
His eyes widened,"Im not?"He felt the top of his head."Damn"
"You still thought I was cute though r-right?"He asked.
You looked at him confused,"Yeah...?But you are still very weird."
He smiled,"Oh okay then."
"So what do you want for breakfast?"You asked opening the cabinet.
"Some toast would be nice."

(These were meant to be short.)

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