Book 2 Teaser!

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P.O.V ???

I closed my eyes as the planet before me vanished in a great explosion. I sighed, It had been a nice little planet too, shame it had to go. As the final dust particles faded a thought came to me. Recently Belmod had begun to train an apprentice to take his place, maybe I should try to get a new destroyer for universe 10? no that wouldn't work, Rumsshi hadn't stayed in his position for as long as he had from his power alone, he had stayed in this position because he killed any competition early and didn't let me accept training requests from mortals.

But what if I raised a new destroyer?

On the Planet I had met an expecting Mother of whom I had helped give birth. I hadn't known her for long but she did know what I was and still treated me like a regular person. It was rather refreshing, in fact, I nearly could've called her a friend. I wondered what It would be like to raise a kid but as I wondered I remembered that sadly Angels such as myself are forbidden by our father from having romantic relationships, something about not wanting babies with more power than Champa? and to be honest I'm not really against a romantic relationship but I don't want to have to go through the entire Pregnancy. As I wondered I noticed a small white orb stop moving a couple of galaxies away. Curious I thought as I began to fly over to it. "Kusu, What are you doing?" asked Rumsshi as he flew up beside me. I looked over my shoulder at Rumsshi "Just investigating something, but It'll probably be nothing my Lord", Rumsshi snorted "Oh hurry up then", Using my speed I flew over to the Orb and I realized that it was in fact an escape pod? "Isn't this intriguing?" I said it was then that a legendary occurrence happened, An angel was surprised. I jumped back when I heard crying emit from the escape pod and the crying was quickly diminishing, whatever was in there was suffocating. I tapped the pod and created an air pocket for the baby to breathe in. I then opened the pod. Inside of it was the cutest baby I had ever seen, "Awww aren't you a cutie!", I picked up the baby and had a strange sense of Deja Vu, Did I know this Baby from somewhere? It was then that I remembered, This Baby was the newborn son of the Mother I had met on the now-destroyed planet! what was his name again? "Escaro isn't it?" I asked softly, Escaro seemed to recognize his name and giggle as he reached for my face. I laughed and after a moment flew over to Rumsshi.

"Well did you find anything?" Asked Rumsshi, I shook my head, "No my lord, it was nothing", Rumsshi shrugged "Take me home", I nodded "As you wish my lord". As I sped through space with Rumsshi's hand on my back I looked at my staff, I will raise you, and protect you until you grow big and strong, I vow you will become the greatest of the destroyers"

To be continued...

The New destroyer of Universe 6Where stories live. Discover now