The beginning Of The End...

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P.O.V Ager

My Guard was Up as Arak and I ran back to the others. I could feel 12 incredibly powerful Ki signatures approaching. And another that I couldn't even sense. I wasn't sure what to do but I did know that a Fight was coming. It was then that 12 warriors appeared, Beerus gasped when he saw them, as Did I.

Because they not only had Vegeta, But Broly, Cabba, Frieza, Gohan, and Gotenks. But they also had who I could only Assume was Goku Black. And...
"Is that Jiren?!" Gasped Kefla. 
I looked at the Strongest Man in the 12 Universes with narrowed eyes. Whoever could Capture him was not to be underestimated. I then shifted my Gaze to 2 people I hadn't seen before, They looked like Kais but radiated Pure Evil. Beerus snarled "Mira and Towa." We all readied into Fighting Stances. But before we could begin the battle, One of the most powerful Ki signatures I had ever felt, No, The Strongest, Ki signature I had ever felt arrived.

His presence was so immense, so Evil. That we all began to sweat as our Hearts beated faster and faster.

 That we all began to sweat as our Hearts beated faster and faster

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I pointed at the newcomer "Who Are You!". The black-cloaked figure laughed Lightly, His voice was ancient and was only filled with the emotion of Hate. "My Name Is Magnac, Towa do what you're here for". Towa smiled as she raised her staff and Energy surrounded us, "What?!". Then next thing I knew, I was in the middle of nowhere. no, literally there was nothing around me, well except for a sun, a Blackhole. And Magnac flying straight at me as his Malicious Yellow Aura surrounded him.

Wait what?

P.O.V Arak

I looked around, All around me, reality seemed to be bent, I was surrounded by strange swirling Lights that made no sense and had no logic, It was then that I saw 2 warriors flying straight at me.

It was Jiren and Broly.

P.O.V Kefla

I opened my eyes, I was on the stage from the tournament of power? I looked around and spotted Kale. Once I reached her I sensed a formidable Ki approaching, I turned around and gulped as the warrior Laughed "Prepare to Face Divine Justice!"

Of course, we get the evil Goku

P.O.V Hit

I looked around with trained eyes, there was a colossal Tree in front of me, in fact, the word colossal didn't even do it justice, but that wasn't important. I readied into my fighting stance as I sensed 3 Battle Powers approaching. I looked at the 3 as they arrived. 

It was Gohan, Cabba and the one called Gotenks. 

P.O.V Beerus

I stretched as I looked around, genuinely impressed, the Time-traveller had been able to teleport me without me noticing? Impressive. I looked around, I was in the interior of Whis' staff. Not surprisingly, it is one of the only places that can handle my full power. I felt 4 powerful Ki's approaching fast, with one putting the others to shame. I turned around with amusement and greeted them as I said their names.

"if it isn't, Golden Frieza...

Mira and Towa...

And Vegito Blue"

I spread my arms with excitement and accidentally mimicked Frieza, oh well. I grinned "Let's see if you can challenge a God of Destruction"

P.O.V 3rd

All throughout time, space and even across reality's battles on the scales of which have never been seen will occur, But how will it end?

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