Legend Vs Legend: Awaken the Power Within!

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Arak's aura flared and began to shimmer White, just like the last time he had battled Jiroly. In a shockwave of Power, both Warriors shot towards each other and began to grabble for dominance in a clash of raw strength. Drawing his hand away, Arak coated his fist in Ki and in one fluid motion, uppercut Jiroly away. Arak flew in pursuit of the spinning Fusion knocking him away with powerful strikes then following again in a deadly cycle. On the 5th repeat of this cycle, Arak hit Jiroly away and drew his hands to his sides, "KAMEHAMEHA!!" He shouted sending a powerful green Ki beam at Jiroly. An explosion occurred as the powerful blast met its mark. But when the smoke cleared Jiroly was unscratched. Arak's eyes widened in shock, Impossible! 

Jiroly flew at Arak, vanishing moments before making contact. Then reappearing behind him, chopping his kneck. Arak's body went limp.

Lifting the warrior by the neck Jiroly brought him to his eye level, "You were never even a challenge." Jiroly tossed Arak away, forming a ki blast in his hand and firing it at the Saiyan. He turned around, crossing his arms "Farewell"

Arak Screamed in pain as the Ki blast ravaged his body

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Arak Screamed in pain as the Ki blast ravaged his body. When its light faded Arak was falling in the void, his eyes blank, mouth agape.


Some of his light returned to Araks eyes, a voice, he could hear it.

'stand, and fight'

Arak coughed up spit, He couldn't Jiroly was too powerful, even for him.

'is he?'

how could Arak fight back? Jiroly's power was more than his own, it was reality, a reality he could not change.

'And who decided that?'

Arak began to clench his hands, no he could not accept this.

'the only reality of battle is the one decided by the strongest in conflict.'

Arak's body began to glow with a bright light, as his hair flickered white.

'And is Jiroly truly stronger?'

Arak's eyes began to shine brighter, "No"


Arak screamed as a power, unlike anything he had ever felt flowed through him, breaking a barrier he never knew he had. "RRAAAHH!!" 

Jiroly turned around as he felt Arak's fading power, suddenly skyrocket, far above anything Arak had achieved before. Jiroly's eyes widened as he saw Arak's new form, with 8 Dragon balls floating behind him, and a new outfit adorning him.

 Jiroly's eyes widened as he saw Arak's new form, with 8 Dragon balls floating behind him, and a new outfit adorning him

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"JIROLY!! YOU ARE FINISHED!!" Screamed Arak. Jiroly snarled and readied himself into a fighting stance. "We will see" The two Legends blinked out of existence, reappearing in front of one another, Jiroly's face was full of rage and anger, while Arak's was calm yet unwavering. The pair clashed, strikes and kicks flying, only to be blocked by the opposing warrior. Arak's eyes narrowed as he coated his staff in Ki, then using his staff he hit Jiroly, breaking his guard, "RAAH!" Arak shouted, kneeing Jiroly in the chest with both feet. Making the Fusion cough spit. Taking advantage of Jiroly's stun, Arak unleashed a flurry of Ki-coated blows, dealing immense damage to the villain. Arak ended the combo with an uppercut, which sent him flying backward. Jiroly regained his composure, wiping a bit of blood from the corner of his mouth. "You are strong, but you are still second to me!" He shouted, lifting his hands up "PLANET CRUSHER!!" 

 "You are strong, but you are still second to me!" He shouted, lifting his hands up "PLANET CRUSHER!!" 

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A green sphere of Ki formed above Jiroly "DIE!" He shouted tossing the Sphere towards him. Arak growled and flew up, above the explosion.


 "You will lose Jiroly!" He shouted, channeling an immense amount of Ki to his staff, Jiroly flew up to meet Arak "We will see! Vermin!" Arak tossed the staff to Jiroly, who flew up to avoid it. Arak flew towards Jiroly, grabbing his staff as it returned to him, "Die!" Shouted Jiroly.

 Arak flew towards Jiroly, grabbing his staff as it returned to him, "Die!" Shouted Jiroly

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Arak smiled as he stopped one of Jiroly's attacks. "What?" Jiroly said his eyes wide. 

Jiroly yelled as Arak kicked him away

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Jiroly yelled as Arak kicked him away. 

{Watch the Video, Ignore everyone except Goku and Jiren, It should be obvious who is who}

Arak looked down at the defeated Jiroly as he split into Jiren and Broly. "It's over," he said. Jiren and Broly fainted and as Arak picked them up his white aura faded, but it didn't vanish for he could still sense it, within him. Awakened. Despite the situation, as Arak flew to where he sensed Whis, Arak Smiled, With this power, the universe was that much safer. 

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