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"Arrghhh Ow" There was a ringing in your ears as you opened your eyes. Ow everything hurt. You surveyed your new surroundings. You were in some kind of tree? Where were you? You sat up groggily and looked down "WHAT THE HELL?!?" you shouted as you saw you were wearing nearly the exact same clothes that Champa had. The silver-haired girl... what was her name again? Right Vados. Floated into the room "Oh so your awake" You tried to jump up but only succeeded in falling on your face. "What the hell am I doing here? Where am I? What happened?" You asked managing to float down to Vados. "Which one do you want answered first my lord?" You stumbled back at her words "Lord? What about the cat Champa?" You asked, "You know the cat that tried to kill me?" Vados looked at you confused for a moment "You mean you don't remember?" You tried to remember but when you did you clutched your head in pain as you heard screaming and felt Pain. Vados just looked at you with a mixture of confusion and concern "You really can't remember, can you? Or at least without pain?" You stood up and looked at her in the eye Why was she concerned? "Tell me what happened." You said Vados tilted her head "Why don't I show you?". You nodded "Then show me." Vados tapped the ground with her staff twice and some kind of fog surrounded you and Vados. You squinted as the fog turned black and became speckled with stars. Your eyes widened at what you saw.

P.O.V Past you


The Hakai rushed towards you when without warning it hit something else, Or somebody else... Your eyes widened when you saw Arak acting as a human shield between you and the now continuous beam that was being released from Champa. You looked on in anguish not realizing that Arak was using the Hakai to grant some of his power temporarily to you turning your eyes Green. Champa yelled as he renewed his attack and obliterated Arak completely. Tears formed in your eyes as you saw your mentor, friend, and the closest thing you had to family turn into green dust. Champa laughed "Look at you! weeping over such a pathetic warrior! don't worry you'll join him soon and then your entire planet!" Rage unlike anything you had ever felt swelled up within you and you felt something break within you.

{Only up to 1:20 and just picture that their in space}

You were knocked back as Champa punched you square in the chest then following up with a dozen Ki blasts. You were losing you knew it and it was the realization that this Fat, Self-absorbed, Overgrown Purple Cat would escape the Revenge that broke you. You had thought that you had already broken your limit but now you surpassed it so much that your previous power seemed like a joke in comparison. You screamed in rage as you absorbed the power that Champa was giving off and duplicated it combining it with your rage.

Champa jumped back in fright at your new power "SUPER SAIYAN BLUE?!" You looked down at your aura which was indeed Blue but tinged with Gold

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Champa jumped back in fright at your new power "SUPER SAIYAN BLUE?!" You looked down at your aura which was indeed Blue but tinged with Gold. "Super Saiyan Blue?" You raised your eyes to look at Champa dead in the eye "Know it as your demise!" with that sentence you charged Champa landing a flurry of blows on him before knocking him back with an uppercut. You drew your hands to your midriff and started charging your Ki"KA-ME-HA-ME!!" Champa managed to stop tumbling and with a sneer raised both hands Shouting "SPHERE OF DESTRUCTION!!" before sending it flying towards you. "HAAA!!" you released the Kamehameha straight at Champa's Sphere of destruction. As the two attacks clashed it was clear Champa's Sphere of destruction had the upper hand. With a roar, you channeled all of your Ki not into yourself but into the Kamehameha turning it Silver. Overall of the noise, you didn't hear the gasp that left Vados' lips, and even if you did you didn't care as you pushed back Champa's attack until there was a blinding explosion and darkness closed in.

The New destroyer of Universe 6حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن