Chapter 10 Love Forever

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No one pov:

(y/n) was now sleeping during the day. Krul sometimes sleeps and now she has someone to sleep with. She can now keep spooning and having him in her arms more. (y/n) was liking it more. They did some more romantic things together. Krul didn't have to kill any more girls with (y/n) and her together now. Krul decided to put a necklace or a collar to show that he is Her's and no one else. She took out the jida. Mika was with Yuu.

Mika: I also have to tell you something

Yuu: what?

Mika: (y/n) says hi to you

Yuu: what? He's alive?

Mika: yes, he is fine. Queen Krul is taking care of him.

Yuu: you sure she will...

Mika: yes

Soon other progenitors decided to check on Krul's victory. Krul didn't want to look soft and knew what has to happen soon.

Krul: (y/n), I have to tell you something

(y/n): yes?

Krul: I need to turn you soon

(y/n) was bit scared.

(y/n): why?

Krul: other vampires like me are coming soon around a week. I can't look too soft with you because your human and I'm worried that they might do something to you.

(y/n) knew it would come to this eventually. 

(y/n): can I at least spend a few more days as a human and experience best things about it. I want my last days of being human memorial. 

Krul: I see. Alright then.

(y/n) had tasty food and got to do great human things. Krul wanted to mark him in different ways. She would even do ways human would mark people like making love. (y/n) was scared at first but did it because it something humans often do. They both liked it and Krul was dominate of course. Then the day came.

Krul: you ready? You will feel a lot of pain like dying. I don't want you to see you in pain.

(y/n): I'm ready. Thank you very much for making these days the best days of my human life.

Krul smiled.

Krul: I will make a lot of good days a vampire too

She bites her lip. She kisses (y/n) with her blood. (y/n) was transforming and in pain. Krul stayed and hold him the whole time. She hated to see him in pain but loved one thing about this.

Krul in mind: I won. You're now my love forever.

Autism and Sick Love (Yandere Krul Tepes x Autistic Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now