Chapter 5 Puzzles and Watching

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No one pov:

The next day, (y/n) was coming back to Krul's home. Before, she read some stuff about autism with the library she has. She understood better about it now. (y/n) got back to her in the library. She smiled seeing him.

Krul: welcome back (y/n)

(y/n): thank you... Krul

Mika was with them this time.

Mika: he can talk slower if nervous or scared

Krul: you don't need to be (y/n)

(y/n): It... takes time... but I will try

Krul then gets out what Mika recommended. She brings out a very old kind of jigsaw puzzle. She gives it to (y/n). He exams it carefully before starting to work with it. Krul wondered and asks Mika.

Krul: how long would it usually take him?

Mika: sometimes a few minutes for while it takes others around an hour usually

They talked a bit about some stuff. Mika told Krul that (y/n) loves doing his Rubik's Cube. Then (y/n) finished and showed it.

Krul: well, that was pretty quick. Takes me much longer than that. You are pretty smart.

(y/n): thank you

Krul: can I get to know about you more?

(y/n): like what?

Krul: your interests, likes, anything like that

(y/n): sure

(y/n) talked about things he liked and good things he used to do before he came to the city. He talked about some of his favorite food like his favorite ice cream. He felt happy that Krul cares and wants to know more. Krul loved seeing (y/n) happy and seeing his cute face. Mika was calm that Krul wasn't doing anything bad. Soon (y/n) left back home. Before, he agreed to see Krul more. Krul decided one day she will try to watch or stalk (y/n) when she could. She even watches him sleep. She liked seeing how peaceful he was. She had more than just an attachment, she loved him, but it wasn't like it would be for normal couples. She was getting more possessive over him.

Krul in mind: he is just so cute. I want him. I want him for myself and closer.

She then had gotten an idea. She would ask him the next time when they both meet each other.

Autism and Sick Love (Yandere Krul Tepes x Autistic Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now