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Note: I thought I had something else typed up, but this is all I've found right now. I'll update it some day if I manage to find the rest in my notes. Happy Mother's Day 5/8/22

Summary: Farrien and Aragorn got married and had a son named Eldarion. Arwen and Legolas got married shortly after. Farrien, Aragorn and their baby are traveling to Mirkwood to see Arwen's new baby.

We traveled to Mirkwood to visit Arwen and my new nephew. Eldarion was a good baby on the road as we were escorted there. I remembered our time traveling alone during the war and I missed being able to travel freely. But my child was the heir to Gondor, he was not ordinary. We were greeted warmly by Thranduil at the gates.
"How is my daughter and the little one?" He beamed as I held Eldarion. Thranduil still considered us family even though it was a little rough At first. I smiled back.
"Lovely, especially that we're here. Where is Arwen and my nephew I have to meet?" I asked.
"Legolas is bringing them to meet you." We walked further into the palace as I Saw Legolas smiling with Arwen and their young baby. I beamed at my sister as I would have run to her, had I not been holding Eldarion. Aragorn stopped me.
"Let me take him," he said, for he saw how excited I was. I sighed and gave him our son and then proceeded to Arwen. Thranduil stayed by Aragorn, slightly amused. I greeted Legolas and Arwen as I saw their baby. He had Legolas's blond hair.
"Aw, he looks like you Legolas!" I squealed as the baby coed.
"Yes, but he snores like his mother," he teased as Arwen nudged him.
"What's his name?" I asked as Legolas looked toward Aragorn.
"His name is Estelas," he smiled as I looked at Aragorn. Estel was his elf name.
"That is a good name," Aragorn beamed.
"I can't wait till Estelas and Eldarion can play together when they're older," I exclaimed. Our son was almost a year now but Estelas only a couple months.
"I'm sure they will have their own adventures," Legolas said as he looked at me.
"Hopefully ones without evil wizards," Thranduil said.
"Or dragons," Legolas said with a sly smile as he looked at his father. Eldarion started to squirm in his father's arms. He was tired of being couped up on the journey here.
"Let him down Aragorn," I said as he finally did so. He was trying to walk on his own as of late, and made his way to Arwen and Legolas. He pointed at Estelas.
"Baby," he managed to say as my heart melted. Aragorn beamed at me. I knelt down to Eldarion.
"Yes, that's your baby cousin, Estelas," I said, trying not to cry.
"Baby play?" He asked me.
"He's too little to play right now," I said as Eldarion started to cry.
"Don't cry Eldarion. We have a whole palace to see," I said as I caught his attention.
"And the horses. Oh and I have baby pictures of Legolas if anyone wants to see," Thranduil said smugly as Legolas stared at him.
"Ada," the prince groaned. I laughed, happy I found my own family at last.

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