Chapter Fourteen Building An Army

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Unfortunately, we had to face Legolas because a meeting was called. Aragorn had seen something alarming on his way back. He told his story to the king. I tried to look at Legolas, but he only looked at Theoden.
"A Uruk army?" Theoden said. Aragorn nodded.
"And it's headed our way?" The king asked.
"Yes. I am certain," Aragorn replied.
"Then we ride to battle," Theoden announced as I was shocked. Even Legolas seemed surprised.
"With what army?" I asked.
"Find every man able to wield a sword and send him to the Armory," he simply said. I couldn't believe it!
"We need real soldiers! Not children fighting with sticks," I spat. The king turned on me.
"Protection is what we need. If we need an army, then I will find one!" He spat back. I crossed my arms.
"Prepare for battle," He said as he ushered us out. I was furious and retreated with Aragorn, Gimli and Legolas.
"What does he think he's doing? Sending children off to fight!" I almost yelled.
"I agree," Legolas muttered. It was the first thing he'd said to me since the fight. I looked at him and barely met his gaze.
"He's doing what he can," Aragorn said.
"And keep your voice down," he added as he looked at me.
"Why, just because I have an opinion and I'm a woman?" I retorted. Aragorn stopped walking and looked at me.
"No. Because you might be overheard and be sentenced with treason," he said quietly. I crossed my arms.
"Theoden wouldn't stand a chance once my father found out," I said.
"Farrien, just go pack your things," he snapped at me. I was furious.
"Fine!" I turned and left the men. I wish I had my sister to talk to...
I wasn't looking where I was going and bumped into Eowyn.
"I'm sorry," I said.
"It's alright," she said as I started walking again. But she called after me.
"Farrien, are you going to fight?" She asked as I nodded.
"I wish I could fight with you," Eowyn sighed.
"Yes but the people need a leader too," I said as she smiled weakly. Suddenly, I heard a horn. My ears perked up.
"That's no orc horn," I said as I leaped to see what was going on. I ran and saw Theoden, Aragorn, Gimli and Legolas at the gates. My ears heard several hundred footsteps marching as I smiled when I saw them coming. Elves! They were elves from Lothlorien and they came through the gates in perfect unison. Aragorn smiled as well as he gave Haldir a hug. I didn't know him that well. He then turned to me and Aragorn.
"Lady Galadriel wanted you to have these," he said as he held out his hand to us. They were bracelets finely woven with something golden and another material I wasn't sure of, but I took it. I didn't want to offend Lady Galadriel...
"The wearer can sense when the other is in danger. You will feel it," he explained. I gave a bow and thanked him. I put the bracelet on and felt it shrink to my wrist size. Haldir smirked at us before turning to Theoden. I shared a strange look with Aragorn. He had his on as well. Haldir also whispered something to Legolas, but even with my elf ears, I could not hear it.
While they were talking, I managed to pull Legolas aside. I did not want to go into battle with him angry at me.
"Legolas, I'm so sorry... I do not want to go into battle with you angry at me," I explained.
"I understand... though we may have to discuss things when the battle is over," he said calmly. I gave him a hug as I caught him by surprise.

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