Chapter Nineteen The Palantir

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Since there were so many people, we slept in the main hall that night. Or I rather tried to... it was hard with all the different men snoring.
Aragorn and Legolas ironically slept near me... I heard Gimli snoring the loudest. I gave up on sleeping and just laid there. Then I wondered what happened to that Palantir thing as I looked toward Gandalf. He scared me cuz he slept with his eyes open, like he was watching you as he even slept... I glanced up and guessed everyone was asleep but me. I quietly made my way to Gandalf. He was hugging that thing like it was precious, which also kinda creeped me out... then I heard something behind me.
"Pippin!" I whispered as he stood still.
"What are you doing?"
"What are you doing?" He responded back.
"I just wanted to see something," I said, which wasn't a total lie.
"Me too," he whispered.
"Together then?" I asked as he nodded. He thought ahead of me and had a rock to place in Gandalf's hands once I would get the Palantir out of it.

I shared a look with the hobbit as I quickly took the Palantir from Gandalf and he slipped the rock in its place. The wizard merely snored louder. I undid the rag it was covered it and gazed at it. I strongly felt it calling me again... I touched it with my bare hand. That is when I saw the Eye of Sauron. I gasped in pain and agony as he tormented me. I kneeled to the ground. He demanded to know about the ring... Frodo unfortunately came to mind as I felt someone take it from me. I fell to the ground as Pippin took it. He started to be in pain like I was. Suddenly Gandalf and Aragorn was by us in an instant. Gandalf covered the orb and took it away.
"You fool of a Took! And you Farrien! What have you done?!" He nearly shouted at us.
"I'm sorry... I felt it calling to me... Sauron..." my voice quavered as Gandalf turned to me as well as Aragorn.
"What did he want?" Aragorn asked.
"Where the ring was..." I said.
"What did you tell him?" Gandalf spat.
"I saw Frodo in Mordor... then Pippin took it." Gandalf turned on the hobbit.
"And what did you tell him?"
"Just Frodo."
Gandalf quickly grabbed me and Pippin and dragged us to the stables. What was he going to do to us? Aragorn followed after us.
"Gandalf, what are you doing?" I nearly shouted.
"We must flee. He thinks you have the ring! If we stay... you endanger us all," Gandalf said as I swore. Merry caught up to us too. I stopped in my tracks.
"At least let us say goodbye!" I spat as I yanked him off my grip.
"Five minutes," was all the wizard said.I turned to Aragorn.
"What's going to happen? Do I really have to leave?" I stammered as I grabbed hold of his shoulders.
"Like Gandalf said, you have to leave. I do not know for how long," he said with sadness in his eyes. I hugged him.
"When will I see you again?" I said through tears.
"I do not know..."
"Please tell Legolas I'm sorry," I said.
"I didn't mean to cause this... it's all my fault," I cried.
"Farrien, he tempts us all. Do not be hard on yourself."
"Tell my father what happened, if you can." Aragorn kissed me one last time, even in front of the others. It was desperate. Gandalf pulled me away and gave me the reins to my horse. Pippin was already on the back of Shadowfax. I didn't know how my horse would keep up with him... I numbly made it on the saddle and Gandalf burst through the stable doors. I followed after as I heard Pippin yell after Merry. I stole one last glance at Aragorn and to my surprise I saw Legolas in the distance.
Perhaps we wouldn't have to worry about a wedding after all....

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