Chapter Eight Dreams

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Bella POV

I had a strange dream last night. I dreamt I saw my sister again. And I saw a child. Aragorn was there too, but he wore a crown on his head and started to have gray hair but he was the happiest I had ever seen him. The child was a boy and he looked just like Aragorn.

I woke up with a start as I smelt the fire. Legolas stared at me.
"Farrien are you alright?" He asked me.
"I'm fine... just a dream," I muttered as I started to put my pack together. Aragorn glanced at me and I blushed.

I got my horse ready as Aragorn approached me.
"Are you okay?" He asked. I straightened my saddle.
"I...had a dream about you," I started to say.
"Dare I ask what happened?" He said. I lowered my voice.
"You wore a crown, and there was a child," I said. He raised an eyebrow.
"Child?" I nodded my head. I lowered my voice even more as I whispered to him.
"I, I think it was ours," I revealed as his eyes widened. He quickly looked around before he faced me.
"You cannot tell anyone this," he whispered as I nodded my head.
"I know, but Aragorn it was just a dream wasn't it?" I pleaded.
"For now. Just keep it to yourself," he whispered. I nodded as I saw Legolas. Aragorn broke away and checked on his horse.


I couldn't believe Farrien's dream! Me, the king of Gondor... and a child! Her child! Our child! I hid my emotions as I checked my horse. I had to act like nothing happened. But how could I? I decided then I would talk to Elrond whenever this would all be over. I had to at least try. I felt guilty as I saw Legolas. Then I was filled with dread as the elf approached me.
"Is Farrien alright?" He asked.
"Just a dream," I said. 
"She does not seem alright," he replied.
"Just nerves," I muttered as the prince was still not convinced.
"She is my betrothed, Aragorn. I need to know if she is alright," he said.
"She is fine. She is just worried about her future," I said, which wasn't a total lie. He frowned.
"I swore an oath to protect her."
"As did I," I said.
"Will you two stop brooding and carry on with us?" Gandalf said to us as our heads turned. Farrien and Gandalf were already on their horses.
"Don't forget me!" Gimli shouted.
"Come on," I said to Legolas as I mounted my horse. Legolas sighed as he helped Gimli on his horse.

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