Chapter Eleven Off to Helm's Deep

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I packed everything I had which was very little. I went to the main hall seeing what else I could do. Eowyn was upset because she wasn't allowed to fight. I was too nervous about fighting. Legolas pulled me aside.
"Farrien, if you are too nervous, then just go with Eowyn," he said.
"No I want to fight!" I said a little too harshly. He then had a stern face.
"Fine. Then just act the part at least. The men are hopeless as it is," Legolas sighed. I scoffed at him and stormed off. I hid in the stable by my horse.
"Don't tell me your running off," I heard Aragorn say as I turned to face him.
"I just needed some air," I said, thinking about Legolas.
"You will fight well," Aragorn said as he got closer to me.
"You don't know that," I said as he raised my chin up with his hand.
"You're not the elf I met over 17 years ago Farrien," he said. I smiled weakly.
"No. I suppose that's a good thing," I said.
"It is," he said as he leaned in closer and kissed me.

We left the stable with our horses and packs. I helped whatever villagers I could before we started walking together. We traveled until it was almost dark. I let my horse graze as I rested my head on the saddle and got out a blanket.

Legolas found me as I turned away from him. He nonetheless sat by me.
"I am sorry about earlier." Well at least he tried...
"It's fine," I sighed.
"It's normal to be afraid," he said. Then I looked at him.
"You do not look it. But you've had so much experience..." my voice trailed off.
"Sometimes I wish I didn't... all the spiders around Mirkwood... it's unsettling," he sighed.
"Bilbo told me about them," I said, thinking of the hobbits and hoping their alright.
"He killed a few of them himself, or so I heard. So if a hobbit can kill a giant spider in the dark, I think you can fight some orcs," he grinned. I smiled back.

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