Chapter Five Fangorn Forest

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We made haste to find the burned bodies. Gimli rode with Legolas. I smelt and saw the smoke as I reached it first and quickly dismounted. I had never smelt burning flesh so strongly before and almost felt like vomiting. I tried to cover the smell by covering my nose but it was little use as I frantically searched. Aragorn had nearly given up on finding them as he grew angry and kicked a helmet and screamed. I had never seen him like that before.
I looked down at the ground, feeling despair before something caught my eye. I quickly walked a ways away from the burned pile and stooped by the ground.
"Look, a hobbit lay here!" I exclaimed as the other three hastened to me.
"And another. Their hands were bound," Aragorn said as he studied the ground. I grinned and quickened my pace with Aragorn as I found a bit of rope and held it.
"They broke free!" I smiled. I took off again to see where they could have gone and came to a woods where I felt a strange presence and stopped.
"Their tracks lead away from the battle. Into Fangorn Forrest," Aragorn called to me.
"What madness would drive them in there?" Gimli said. Legolas was soon by my side as we entered the woods.
I saw something dark on a few leaves as we walked.
"What's that?" I asked as Gimli tasted it and spit it out.
"Orc blood!" He spat as I made a face.
"Ugh! Gimli that's disgusting! Why did you try it, you don't know where that came from!" I shrieked as I tried not to imagine what body part the blood came out of. Gimli just smirked at me. Men, I sighed.
"These are strange tracks," Aragorn muttered.
"The air is so close here," Gimli said. I started to feel claustrophobic.
"The forest is old, very old," Legolas said softly as I looked at him.
"Like, older than your father?" I tried to joke before I heard strange noises and jumped.
"The trees are speaking to each other," Legolas said as he gave me a stern look. Gimli held his ax.
"Trees talking? Huh," Gimli said.
"Lower your ax," Aragorn said to the dwarf as I became panicked. I wanted to leave.
Legolas spoke to us in elvish, warning of someone coming.
"What did he say?" Gimli asked.
"The white wizard is coming!" I said as I pulled my bow. Legolas did the same as Aragorn held his sword. We raised our weapons as there was a great light that nearly blinded me as I shot my bow. Legolas' and my arrows were sent different directions as Gimli raised his ax, but it was thrown to the ground. Aragorn's sword burned hot red as he dropped it on the Forrest floor and it burned his hand. I lowered my bow as there was no use fighting.
"You are tracking the footsteps of two young hobbits," the voice said as it sounded familiar.
"Where are they?" I shouted.
"They passed through here the day before yesterday and met someone they did not expect. Does that comfort you?" The voice said.
"Who are you? Show yourself!" Aragorn demanded as the light faded. My eyes couldn't believe me. Gandalf stood there but dressed in white robes.
"Gandalf? But you died," I said as I nearly dropped my bow. Legolas bowed to his knees as I decided to do the same.
"It cannot be. But you fell," Aragorn said shakily.
"Through water and fire. From the lowest dungeon to the highest peak. I fought the balrog of Morgoth. Until at last I threw down my enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountainside," he explained.
"I do not understand Gandalf how you are even here," I said, still disbelieving as I stood up. He looked at me as if he remembered something.
"Gandalf? Yes, that is what they used to call me... Gandalf the Grey... that was my name. I am Gandalf the White," he replied. His eyes then glanced over all of us.
"Now do you four want to keep your mouths gaping open or do you want to find the hobbits?" He said as he started walking. I shared a smile with Legolas and Aragorn as I followed.
We made it to a clearing as Gandalf called with a whistle. A brilliant white horse came neighing as my eyes widened.
"That can't be!" I stammered. I had only read about him in books.
"That is one of the Mearas, unless my eyes are cheated by some spell," Legolas said stunned. The horse slowed to a walk as he greeted Gandalf and the wizard stroked his mane.
"This is Shadowfax.... Lord of all the horses. He has been my friend on many dangers," Gandalf said.

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