Chapter 1: The Girl Who Winks At Strangers

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I jolt awake when I hear papers moving and other students getting up. You'd think paying $50 thousand for this Masters would motivate me to stay awake long enough to actually hear what Professor Stone is saying. The man is so boring I'm sure even god falls asleep when he prays to him. Probably why we have so many bad things happening these days. Stone bores god to sleep and he can't keep watch of the rest of us. I smile to myself as I get up. I'm such an idiot.

The blonde who has tried to make conversation with me all semester comes my way as I'm folding my laptop with a bright smile. I sigh internally. 'Here we go again.' I have been declining her offers for coffee after class for months, but she just doesn't give up. She is the kind of employee I'd love to have, but not someone I'd want to have in my personal life.

Her smile brightens even more. "Hey Dean!" she waves, even though it is unnecessary because I am right in front of her.

I smile back at her politely. "Hey, hey." I have actually forgotten her name. She told me once and I forgot. I suck at names of people I don't want to remember. Her name immediately went to my recycle bin folder in my brain, I had no intentions of getting to know her. I see a hint of disappointment of not calling her by her name, but she doesn't mention it as she continues and says, "Um, today's class was pretty boring, huh?"

Okay, so today we are engaging in small talk. I decide to indulge her and give her a small smile. "Yup, it was boring as hell."

"I noticed. You were snoozing for half the class." She giggles

I grin. "Not my fault Professor's voice lulls me to sleep."

She giggles again. I don't think that laugh is proportional to the unfunny words I just spoke.

After I finish stuffing my things in my bag, I straighten to my full length.

I give her a tight smile. "Yeah. See you next class." I walk around her, and I walk out of class. As I am almost at the door she yells, "By the way, my name is Evelyn!"

I turn for politeness's sake, and I give her a smile then I turn away and keep going. I throw that name once more in my recycle bin.

I groan inside as I walk towards the coffee shop. I need a coffee, bad.

Its just after 8pm and I still have 3 papers due next week. Our last papers before our exams. The only thing that makes me happy is that this is my last semester on this program after 2 years.

I walk in the coffee shop, and I order a black coffee and a sandwich. I am seated at the far corner. I can see everyone who is here and all who come in and leave.

The waiter brings my food and I smile back at her gratefully. Just then the door dings and out of habit I look at that direction. My whole world comes to a halt.

The most beautiful woman I have ever seen walks in. She, however, looks preoccupied. She walks in and takes the seat in front of me.

And because god is good, she seats facing me and away from the door. I guess she doesn't care to see if the killer comes behind her.

She places her bag on the chair and she pulls out her things. She pulls out her laptop and opens it. I can't tear my eyes from her. It's like I am in a trance. Like she will disappear if I look away.

I am dragged back to reality by my waiter. "Can I bring you the cheque or you'll be ordering something else?" she asks with an annoyed I-don't-want-to-be-here face.
I try to answer her, but words don't come out.

I swallow. What the fuck?

I hear a giggle on my left and I whip my head to the direction. I find most-beautiful-woman-I've-ever-seen chuckling. Our eyes meet but she lowers them quickly and goes back to her laptop. I find my in.

My Wife Julie (A Reverse Harem Erotica)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora