Chapter 15

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That night I got home late, around 11 I think. We'd talked for hours about pointless things, such as movies we had both seen like 'World War Z' or 'inbetweeners 2'. We had also spoke about the baby. I remember him so clearly telling me 'I can't believe I'm going to be a dad and the fact it'll be a boy!' His face had beamed in to a smile. I agreed with him and we carried on eating nachos with dip.

Weirdly, I couldn't sleep that night. I love my sleep but I just lied in bed thinking about what my life would be like in the upcoming months and how different it would be.

The next day, I had school. I was dreading it since this was the day, I wasn't going to wear a baggy jumper to try to hide my baby. I was wearing a tight black long sleeved jumper with jeans and my black converse. Getting in the car to drive myself and my brothers was scary. I did pass my driving test, but I hasn't drove since I got pregnant and It felt totally different, maybe even weird. I dropped Max off at his school and drove to mine and Joel's school round the corner. I parked the car and was ready to get out. But, I wasn't. I sat there with my hands wrapped around the wheel beating myself up about the fact I could have brought a baggy jumper incase I did chicken out, which is what I was doing right then and there. "It's okay Lexi! Since when have you really cared about what people think of you?" He reminded me. I nodded and got out of the car, slowly.

As soon as the car door slammed, my heart began racing, people already had started I notice! A couple of people even pointed at my huge belly! As I walked to my first lesson, I kept hearing whispers surrounding me and I was going to lose it. 'Is she pregnant or something?' Or 'omg!'. They all just started filling my empty glass up, until I eventually drowned. Every time i looked up from looking at my walking feet, eyes would be peeled on me or the massive bump I have as a belly!

I skipped my first lesson and hid in to the toilets. I just sat there while wiping my face with the unlimited toilet paper supply that I had. My face must have been red raw by the time I had finished sniffling, wiping my eyes and coughing. I ate one of my sandwiches while I was there and exited the cubicle. Food has always made me feel better and it will never fail! I put my bag next the sink on the other end of the toilets and rinse my face with cold water. It was really hot out, so it was really nice to have a temperature change.

I exited the cubicle and tried to put my head up high. Although, there was no point since everyone was in lesson. I has English and I wasn't really bothered about people in there, I hardly knew anyone. I entered an everyone stared, even my teacher. Considering I could hear the whispers, I maintained the roars I could have leashed out. By now, the whole school was bound to know! Even worse I had French next and Oscar probably didn't want me to be noticed yet, although he wouldn't be.

I walked in to French and tried to ignore the stares and took my seat. Finally, a couple people had peeled there eyes of me, one by one. Eventually, Oscar whispered to me "you're brave!" And nudged me. I felt a slight happiness when he did this, but I don't know why. We were all busy working when there was a timid knock at the door. "Come in!" Mr. Canon yelled. A receptionist came in with a note and a tall blonde haired girl behind her. I'm not going to lie, she looked so pretty with her hair curled at the end, but she wore too much make up. The receptionist talked with sir for a while, so I had looked up at Oscar to ask him one of the questions we were doing. His face was red and in a stare at the girl that walked in, she was even staring back. He must have been thinking the exact same thing as every boy in the room 'she's pretty' -most blonde people get that.

I nudged Oscar out of his stare and he turned back to me looking guilty "what?" I moaned at him. The girl walked towards Oscar and I. I had no idea why, until she bent over and kissed him hard on the lips. Mr. Canon even saw and mumbled something. I just mumbled to myself "Beth".

No surprise, she took a seat on mine and Oscars square table sitting directly opposite him. She bit her lip and Oscars knees flew up whacking the top of the table 'stop it' he mouthed. She obviously just felt his dick up with her foot. 'You like it really!' She whispered. Then she whispered "Come sit next to me?" With an impatient movement of her fingers. He did as he was told, like a pet on a leash. After a while, around 15 minutes, Beth stated the obvious "you're pregnant aren't you?" While wrapping chewy around her finger. The whole class stopped and stared, while Oscar slided down in his chair. I felt my cheeks blush with some sort of embarrassment, I nodded and got on with my work, feeling every pair of eyes in the room on me.

Eventually, the lesson bell rang and I couldn't wait to see Silver! I speed walked so fast to my form room, with my head held high. Silver caught my eye and she squeezed me tight. "I heard" she murmured. I wipe a tear from my eye, that slid slyly across my face. "it's ok Lexi!" She then hugged me again.

"It's not! Oscars girlfriends here! She's moved to this school Silv!" I moaned. She sighed "trust this to happen to me!" We then began to walk outside and if was hot. I glance over to our usual seating spot, but some year 7's had takin that area so we just say against a wall. I started to eat my food, when Oscar and Beth walked past holding hands and she was smiling. He wasn't so much, he even glanced back a me. "it's so unfair! I hate the way he can be open with her, but not about me and the baby!" I stated.
"Well, do something about it then! Tell the whole school who the father is!" She demanded. I shuck my head, I didn't want Oscar to hate me.

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