Chapter 6

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I had woken up sweating, even though my alarm clock hadn't gone off, i was awake. It was way too hot. I looked at my alarm clock and it read 18:09. It was only 6 o'clock and i hadn't needed to be up for atleast another 50 minutes. I huffed and kicked my duvet off me and tried to get back to sleep. All of a sudden, i felt the urge to be sick. I ran out of my bed and headed for my own bathroom. I emptied the remains of last nights KFC in the toilet and sat on the bathroom floor. A million question whizzed around my mind. What's going on with me? Why do i feel like this? Then, the question i thought i would never have to ask My myself as a teenager was, am i pregnant?

My eyes widend in shock and i remember sitting there, praying that i wasn't. I cried and cried. I eventually left the bathroom and it was 7:15. I had to get ready for school. I locked my bedroom door and took off my pyjama top. I looked at my slim belly in the mirror and thought of how much it would grow. But, i wasn't fully sure i was pregnant. There was still some hope that i wasn't , i had thought on the day. So, i decided that i was going to get ready for school, then walk to the chemist to get a pregnancy test and go to school.

Eventually, i was ready and headed downstairs were i found my Dad putting his shoes on. "I can give you all a lift today, do you need one?" He offered me.

"Erm, no thanks. I'm meeting Silver today" I lied to him. I left the house and was on my way to the chemist. I went in there and i didn't have a clue were to look. I looked everywhere, until i eventually laid eyes on the boxes. I picked up two boxes and went to the till lady. "Just these please" I smiled at her. She seemed to have a slight disgust in her face. "It's for my mum" I informed her. What's another lie in all of this mess anyway! I gave the lady £4.15 and put them in my school bag. Then, i headed to school.

I arrived at school and i had English first. I was is no mood for English and that stupid teacher! No one i really knew was in that lesson, apart from my friend who's called Catherine. She sat across from me on my table. I walked in to English and i sat down. I tapped my fingers on the table, anxiously. I had to know whether i was pregnant or not. "Miss, i need the toilet!" I told her.

"Don't be long!" She dismissed me and i picked up my bag. "Why are you taking your bag?" She gave me the horrible bizarre look she always does when something weird happens. I tired to think of something to say.

"It's my time of the month!" I smiled and walked out of the room. I laughed to myself, since i was implying i was on my period when it was the complete opposite. I made my way to the toilets and when i got there, thankfully no one was inside! I locked my cubicle and sat on the toilet. I got the first box out my bag and read the back off it. It had a list on symptoms on the back. Vomiting. Missing Periods... That's when it accrued to me that i had missed my last two periods so far. It wasn't looking good for me! I shook these thoughts out of my mind and got the test out of the box. I then got the other one two and put them both directly in to my waterfall of wee. I wiped and stood up, while putting the tests on the floor. I had to wait 3 minutes. I was trembling with worry. I thought about everything in that three minutes. My Dad, a baby, even Oscar... He didn't even know we had sex! Eventually, a symbol was clear on both of the tests '+' and a '+'. Why did i have to have sex? I should have waited!

I went back to English and i just sat there staring at my book. It felt like everything was in slow motion around me. When English finally was over, i had Geography. I had to tell Silver. She'd find out evetnually, so would everyone! I strolled to my next lesson and went to my seat. "Silver, i need to talk to you about something important at break!I just can't tell you in here." My eyes were tearful. She looked really worried.

"Okay, i hope you're okay whatever it is!" She squeezed me tight. I just hoped she'd react sanely.The lesson went far too slow and i needed to get out, but i had to remain calm. After sweating with worry for another 50 minutes, i had finally escaped from Geography.

We were walking to out form when Silver nudged me. "So, what's up with you?" She smiled. I was trembling and didn't know what to say first. I was about to open my mouth and just say it, say that was pregnant. Then Oscar had walked past with his friend Jake, laughing and smiling. I sighed, put my head down and waited until they passed. Eventually, the halls were clear. "So..." She hurried me.

"I had sex, the night of your party!" I had raised my eyebrows in worry. Her face was confused, twisted even.

"How come you never told me?" She asked. I shrugged my shoulders as we began to walk a little. I bit my lip as i was trying to work up the nerve to tell her about my situation.

"The truth is Silv... I'm pregnant..." I whispered to her in a huffed tone, while a tear slipped from my eye. Her face dropped and i thought she was going to walk away. But, instead she put her hands on my shoulders and looked straight in to my eyes.

"We'll get through this Lex!" She sympathetically smiled. We then walked slowly towards our next lesson. "Lexi, Who's the dad?" I burst out in tears when she referred to Oscar as ,Dad. She knew that i was upset by this, so she pulled me in to a hug.

"There isn't one!" She then told me that she understood, but she didn't! "Silver! He doesn't even know he slept with me, never mind this!" I pointed to my slim stomach. She looked puzzled by my speech.

"What? Lexi, i don't understand?" Silver rubbed her forehead. I didn't want to lie to her, so i had to tell her the truth!

"He was so drunk and it just happend. He told me a few months ago that he recognised my face, but he never put the pieces together! Silver, please don't think im a slag!" I cried and cried!

"Don't be so stupid! You were stupid, but i'd never think of you as a slag Lex!" She hugged me for a billionth time! She was being so supportive and nice about it. I didn't realise that she'd not think of me as a slag or slut. "Right, Lexi look at me!" She turned my crying face to face her. "You need to tell him. Atleast tell him that you two had sex! He deserves to know, this isn't entirly your fault!" She raised her eyebrows while she got a bit teary herself. I nodded.

The rest of the day was heavy and slow. Lesson after lesson. I felt like i was in each lesson for around 2 whole hours! I did have french but i wasn't going to tell Oscar that i was pregnant. I knew i had too, but i'd rather he knew we had sex first, instead of blurting out i was pregnant!

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