Chapter 13

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We then pulled up outside of my house and i began to get a weird feeling. Butterflies and bubbles. The baby kicked again and again. I giggled at the feeling of the active human being inside of me. I looked up at Oscar, whos face was muddled with confusion and fondness. "What's up?" He smiled. I grabbed his hand and placed it on my stomach, like i had done before and Oscars smile grew. He had felt his son kick. Eventually, the kicking had stopped and Oscar turned to face me more. "I just want to tell you that i am going to stick around! I knew you probably don't see me as daddy material, but i promise for the sake of that baby that i will be" He put a hand on my stomach "I'm this kids dad and i'm going look after and love him!" His eyes watered.

"That's all i wanted and needed to hear, thank you!" I swear, i could of kissed him right there and then! But, i couldn't. We both smiled and our eyes locked, in a way i couldn't pull away from.

"Anyway!" He lost eye contact "I'm going to tell my mum later about you being pregnant and the baby. I'll show her these pictures too and i just hope she doesn't kill me" He glanced down at the scan of our baby.

"Good luck!" I smiled and exited the car. I waved bye as i watched his red sports car rev out of Welbourten Avenue. I guess i liked where i lived. It was quiet and 80% of the county population was over 60, but that wasn't a problem since i loved to sit in the garden and read a book and i could never consentrate before i had moved there.

Oscar's P.O.V

I was driving home, just cruising along the many roads i had passed. I couldn't help but think about Lexi all of the time. Well, not just Lexi, the baby aswell! My life was about to change and quickly. I really did have to sort my life out. No more sleeping around and partying every weekend. I had to be there for Lexi and our son, but there was one problem in the way, Beth. I loved Beth, i really did. I just thought 'Maybe Beth would be okay with it!'.

I parked in the garage of mine and my mums huge house. I have always told her that the house was way too big for just me, her, my older sister Natalie and my younger brother Sebastian. But, she just had to buy it and believe me it is awesome! All the rooms are massive and we even have an enormous outside pool with a jacuzzi! I unlocked the double-glazed doors with my key and hung my jacket up on a peg. Natalie and my mum were in, but i just decided to save them the effort to come to the door.

I walked in to the over-sized kitchen to find my mum with a man. "Who's this?" I asked. She introduced me to this 'David Clarke' and occurding to her he was 'a friend from work'. Clearly, my mum was dating him and she wanted him to meet her delightful kids. "Mum, we really need to talk!" I definitely sounded panicky.

"Okay, let me just see David to the door and we'll talk" She nodded. She walked him to the door and i saw her kiss him, which gave her whole 'a friend from work' act away. Besides, i wasn't really focused on her boyfriend, i just had to tell her about Lexi. She strolled back in to the kitchen and took a seat at the table. I then sat across from her. "So, Oscar what's wrong? Please just don't tell me it's to do with the police!" She asked, caringly.

"Well, mum, i got a girl pregnant!" I squinted my eyes and she covered hers with her hands. We both then stood up and she hugged me tightly. "I told the girl that i'm going to help out in any way possible!" I broke the hug.

"Okay, this is a big thing Oscar! It's not something you can walk away from once you've started!" She rubbed my arm and i nodded. "I mean you're only 17 and you're going to be a father. I just hope you have learn from your fathers mistakes!" She reminded me. My father walked out on us when Natalie was 5, i was 3 and Sebastian was newly born. He became depressed and ran away from his 'problems' he used to call us.

I then pulled out the scan picture from today and handed it to her.

"Mum, we went for a scan today!" I then pulled out the scan picture from earlier on and handed it to her. She smiled at the baby and she began to cry. "I'm sorry mum!"

"No, it's not that! You know how soppy i get at things like this!" She smiled more. "How's Beth handling it all anyway?" She asked.

"She doesn't know yet. I had sex with someone called Lexi when i was drunk at a party!" I told her straight up.

"Oh, Oscar!" She sighed in frustration. "So, when am i going to meet Lexi?" She asked. It wasn't for me to say, since i didn't know Lexi very well and she might have been shy.

"Whenever!" I just said, while getting a glass out of the cuboard. "Oh, did i mention we found out the sex?" I smirked, my mum got wide eyed and hinted for me to tell her. "Gladly, it is a little boy!" I smiled and she smiled too, while she was also crying.

"What's going on in here then?" Natalie came in and witnessed mum crying. She stood there waiting for a reply as i tried to think of a summed up version to say.

"Basically, i'm going to have a son and you're going to be an auntie!" I smiled and passed her the picture. She wasn't so pleased and demanded to know who the girl was. "It's just a girl from school, in my year called Lexi Reynolds!" She then stormed back up the two sets of stairs.

The rest of the night i just sat and stared at the helpless baby in the photograph. I ignored my phone that kept vibrating by my pillow and rolled over in bed still staring at the scan. When I finally took my eyes away and glanced at my phone, it was just Beth. 'Hey gorgeous!', 'Dads just left, come over!', 'I want you babe, i miss you!'. I didn't read the other hundred off them and just switched off my phone and went to sleep.

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