Chapter 7

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It was exactly 3 months since Silvers birthday, this meant that i was 3 months pregnant today. I looked at myself in my long shiny mirror on my wardrobe. I lifted up my baggy pink pyjama top and looked a tmy slim belly. But, it wasn't so slim anymore. My belly seemed slightly bloated, like a tiny bulge had appeared with the last month. I sighed and couldn't get my eyes off my mirrored reflection. A baby, growing inside of me. Eventually, it will have arms, legs and a beating, loving heart. I was actually due to have my first scan soon. But, nobody knew about this little creation. I had to tell my dad, and soon!

I put on a baggy jumper and walked down the stairs. I found my dad at the kitchen table reading a newspaper, he was dressed. "I can take you too school today sweetie. Max has an inset day and Joel is ill, so there in bed!" He smiled at me and then got back to reading his paper. I ate a banana and then got ready. I didn't know when i would tell him, but i knew it needed to be the right time for him since he mightent take it so well.

We arrived at my school and my dad had parked near the school gates. "Have a good day at school!" He wished me.

"Wait, Dad there i something i need to tell you!" I nervously said. I couldn't contain the secret away from him any longer. He looked at me, waiting for a response while he was smiling. "I'm pregnant Dad" I said in a whiny voice, trying to guard my tears from falling. His smile soon dropped and i saw him clench the steering wheel with his hands.

"Get out!" He screamed at me. I quickly flew out of the car and before i even got a chance to close the door, he drove away fast! I stood there, empty. I tried to hold my tears back, but at this point i was so upset. They just rolled out, one after another. People stared and probably thought i was mental, but when they all would find out, they'd get why i was crying. I practically ran to the toilets, locked myself in a cubicle and wiped my eyes with tissues. The way my dad reacted, was not the way i wanted. He seemed so angry and he just erupted.

I blew my nose in a tissue hard and i heard a familiar voice "Lexi?" It was Silver's and i needed her support right now! I unlocked my cubicle, ran and hugged her sloply. "Oh, what's wrong Lexi?!" She sighed for me. I looked around the toilets and thankfully everyone was in lesson.

"I told my dad!" I cried harder "He screamed at me to get out of the car!" I cried more and more. She hugged me and the bell had gone. People walked in to the class room, staring at me. Didn't they ever see a girl cry or breakdown?! Guess not. I cllenched my fists and walked out of the room, stomping to my next lesson. No. It couldn't have been possible. I had French! How much i hated that lesson! Even worse was the fact Oscar's son or daughter was sitting right next to him, inside of me and he didn't know it. Weird. Anyway, that's if i even keep this baby...

I arrived at French and took my normal seat next to Oscar. Mr. Canon had made us practice together in pars, reading aloud our french texts. "Je jouer au jeux..." Oscar began. Then he started to stutter, puzzled on how to say the next word. His eyes squinted and it reminded me of that night. Everytime i saw him i thought about that night, but when he first touched my leg he squinted his eyes in the exact same way.

"Oscar stop a second!" I shuck my head as i whispered this. He stared at me blankly. "Listen, we had sex..." I whispered so quiet, i wasn't sure he even heard me. But, then he laughed so hard, i thought he was going to blow up. Mr. Canon told him off and he evntually stopped.

"What are you talking about?" He laughed so hard a tear had formed in his eye, wiping it away across his huge grin.

"Did you go to Silvers party?" I asked him and he nodded. "Did you have sex with some girl and you probably can't remember her face?" Slowly, he nodded, again. His expression on his face was mudles and unbalanced. He just sat there staring at me, shocked.

"I...I remember now. You were the chick i fucked. I remember when i put..." He started off, but i interupted him. He didn't seem very interested anymore.

"Yeah. Let's not go through the details!" I muttered.

"How come you've never brought it up? Why now?" He asked. Would this be the moment i told him about the baby growing inside of me? Or would i lie?

"I'm not sure. I knew you wouldn't remember me, especially considering how drunk you were!" I told him. "I wanted the past to stay in the past! I didn't want to be known for losing my virginity on a one night stand!" I whispered. He smirked again. "What's so funny?"

"I was your first?" He giggled, raising his eyebrows. "Well, i've never been anyone's first before! Good job i don't remember most it!" He laughed again, but i didn't find it funny. How used i felt wasn't describable.

"Yeah, well you did fall asleep on top of me!" I noted "It must have lasted only 2 or 3 minutes!" I thought this was funny, so i laughed. I really did hope sex was better than what i had! Eventually. French was over and Oscar now knows we had sex. At least that's one box ticked off. I was so uterly afraid to go home that day, i didn't know what my dad had to say. I thought about the fact he could kick me out, and if he did, where would i possibly go?

As the thought of going home kept coming into my head, the end of the school day got coser. Eventually, i was clicking my seatbelt in to Silver's Mum's car. She wanted to treat Silver for the night and invited me. But, i couldn't possible go since i need to sort thing out with my Dad, if he's actually home...

I arrived at my house and i walked straight across our grass, since the path is longer if you don't shortcut. I went to open our brown wooden front door, but it was locked. My dad musn't be home, i thought to myself. I got my silver set of keys and grabbed my baby blue key. I opened the door and stepped in to my hall, wiping my feet on the matt first. I dropped all of my belonging's on the freshly hoovered stairs and went towards the Kitchen. Little did i notice, the black baggy coat in the hall.

I opened the newly, white painted kitchen door and my dad sat there at the kitchen counter. His hands covered his face in dissapiontment and his tie was messy and dragged out. He had a scotch glass with whiskey poured in to it, which he stunk of. As his eyes peeled up to meet mine, i noticed that his eyes were red raw and he was really unsettled.

No Reverse (Teen Pregnancy)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora