Chapter 14

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Lexi's P.O.V

As soon as I had woken up, I flew down the stairs to find my dad. I still hadn't told him the news about the baby being a boy. He wasn't home when I had came in, so I decided to wait rather than text him. I found him sipping on a cup of coffee, reading the morning newspaper at the kitchen counter. I decided to wait a few minutes before telling him the news, he didn't ask so I figured he had forgotten. While I waited the few minutes, I made myself a bowl full of cereal.

"So, I saw you're grandson yesterday didn't i!" I couldn't help but have a beaming smile on my face. He looked away from the newspaper and soon realised what I had said. His smile began beaming too and he stood up to give me a tight hug. I felt a tear slid from my eye and before I knew it I was a wreck. Pregnancy hormones! "This is just so overwhelming Dad and new!" I wiped the tears from under my eyes.

"It's okay sweet pea! You'll get the hang of everything soon enough!" He reassured me and I got back to eating my cereal. It was hard to imagine that within 4 months I would be a teenage mother to a beautiful but stressful baby boy. I shook out this thought when I had a text message from a random number saying 'It's Oscar, this is my new number and I'm guessing you'll need it. So, I was thinking whether you'd like to come to my place? Don't worry, no ones home so you can relax :)' I smiled at Oscars idea and replied with a simple 'Okay'.

I got dressed quickly and he was on his way to come and pick me up since my dad had just left for work in the car. I had decided to wear a tight grey long sleeved top, so my bump was clearly visible. I did do some of my make-up and I threw on some maternity skinny jeans (which were really comfy), with my black converse. Then I heard a dulcet knock at the door. I grabbed my green fur-hooded coat and opened it too see Silver. "Hey!" She burst in, with a huge smile on her face. I returned the 'hey' back to her, but made sure she saw the confused look on my face. "Oh, I was going to text you that I was going to come over, but I was too excited so I just ran here!" The excitement was very much displayed by here bouncing up and down off the floorboards.

"Silver, I'm sorry but Oscar is meant to be here any second now! What's up?" I asked, trying to show that I did care, but I needed her to hurry the hell up!

"Okay, okay! Right, I knew it was a long shot but I thought 'you've gotta be in it too win it' ,right? So, I called up the station and I won!" She burst out, fast!

"Well done Silv! But, what exactly did you win?" I asked. Silver had done this before, about a year ago. Basically, she only won a £5 gift voucher to spend at BANK, New Look or River Island. Which are all fairly expensive shops anyway.

"I have won a trip to Paris for a maximum of three people!" She sighed an then continued "But, because I'm your best friend I'm giving you the two of the tickets! You'd obviously come with me anyway, so there is one left over and I want you to use it wisely!" I hugged her tightly. I would of said that I couldn't possibly take her two spare tickets since I did hate people doing things for me but I needed this break! She then left and I agreed to speak to her later about.

I heard revving coming closer from the end of the street and I knew it was his car. I then opened the door too see Oscar walking up my path with a smile on his face. I shut the door behind me and took a seat in his red sports car. "So, why'd you want me to go to yours then?" I asked.

"I'm not sure, actually. I just figured that in the future we're bound to be spending a lot of time together, our sons birthdays, so on, and I assumed It would be nice for the kid to grow up with parents who are at least friends." I agreed to his statements as he pulled out of my road.

When we arrived at his house, I felt like he pulled up at the wrong place. I didn't have a clue that Oscars living style was like this! I walked in to his house and it seemed like everything was modern and very up to date. "Your house is amazing! This kitchen is huge!" I note to him as I walked on to the black and white tiles. "I mean, look at this!" I hovered my hand over a button on a draw, which then said 'cutlery' in a weird robot voice and opened.

"Very flashy! I know!" He sighed and we then went in to the living room. I could have lived in there, with the mini-refrigerators and leather bean bag chairs. He then took me up two flights of stairs which ,to be honest, tired me out! He then opened a wooden frame door to a teenagers dream den. Any teenager would have loved to say that that room was his, even for a day. I peeled my eyes on a king sized bed on the right hand side of the room, facing a TV the size of half of the wall (which was a long)! Then, I gazed at the consoles he had, x-box One, PS4 and other stuff. "This is my room Lexi!" He smiled at me welcoming me in. I took a step in and could tell that he must not spend much time in here considering everything was so tidy and precise.

"I think my brothers would die if they walked in here!" I said wide-eyed as I took a seat in one of his playing chairs, which was surprisingly comfy and swingy!

"Yeah, well, bring them anytime I guess! I never really go in here, except to sleep or whatever!" He shrugged, as if he didn't care that his bedroom was worth thousands! "Anyway, I have something for you, well not for you, but, here!" He gave me a little blue bag with frilly hand strings which I grabbed. The bag had writing in capital letters on the front of it saying 'BABY BOY!'. "It's the first gift to this baby boy from his daddy!" He smiled as he watched me lift out the content of the bag. A teddy revealed itself from within the bag and it was adorable, with light soft brown fur with a patch on tenge left side of its stomach. Also, an eye was missing but it made the teddy look even cuter for some odd reason.

"This is so thoughtful! Thank you" a tear streamed down my face before I could turn my face away from Oscar. As soon as I did, Oscar wiped it away. "I just, it doesn't matter!" I shuck my thoughts away.

"Lexi, it does matter. What's wrong?" I really didn't want to tell him my thought at that moment in time, but I knew he wouldn't let it slide.

"Ok, Ok. I just don't know if I can do this Oscar!" Another tear slid "I'm too young to be a mum! This baby won't have the perfect life it deserves because we were too selfish and way too immature!" I hissed.

"It's ok!" Oscar gave me a hug "we'll get threw this because I'm beginning to get to know you Lexi Reynolds! One thing for sure is that you're one to not give up!" I broke the hug because it was getting weird and besides I didn't want a hug anymore. "And what on earth are you talking about Lexi! This kid is going to have an amazing life, it's got you and it's got me, that's all he needs!" He was right,I was crying over nothing.

The rest of the day we just sat and ate pizza, ice cream or some other food source we had ate that day. we just sat and talked for hours on end about nothing. Just simple day to day life problems with me being pregnant and so on. He had also brought on the fact the teddy was in fact his when he was newly born and he had it up until he was 2. His mum out it out off his reach from then on because Oscar began teething and that was why one of the eyes were missing.

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