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The weekend between Jin and Joon was everything that Jin had dreamed of. They, hung out, they went for walks, they roasted marshmellows outside, they had sex under the stars and everywhere inside the house. They made memories. The entire weekend was a dream come true for Jin, he had felt more love and affection then did with the few years he spent with Jiyong.

"Do we have to go so soon?" Jin asked, he watched as Joon finished packing the suitcases.

"Yes we do." Joon replied, he zipped up the bags and went towards Jin pulling him close by the waist.

"Why cant we stay home more night?" Jin asked, he was leaning back a bit, tracing little circles around Joon's chest with his finger's.

"Because I have school and work tomorrow." Joon explained, he pulled Jin closer and placed a kiss on his lips.

Later that day they both drove home in silence, fingers intertwined, enjoying the silence of each other's company. They had both grown more attached to each other.

Soon they were pulling up into the parking lot of the apartment Jin was staying at.

"Call me soon?" Jin looked at Joon with big eyes.

"I will." Joon reassured, he grabbed Jin's hand and placed a kiss on his knuckles.

Jin was beaming as he got out of the car, he watched as Joon drove out of the parking lot, he then turned and walked inside the apartment.

"Oh your back!" Kook exclaimed, his head popping up from the couch, Jin noticed he was disheveled looking and wiping at his mouth. Suddenly Tae popped up from the couch too, hair looking messy, it was apparent they were messing around.

"Am I interrupting something?" Jin hesitated at the door.

"Oh no, no no no, we were just uh yeah, its fine you can stay, I mean you live here so yeah stay." Jungkook stammered, his face slightly red.

Jin looked amused as he locked the door behind him and retreated to his room.


Joon walked into a mess, dishes were overflowing in the sink, the living room was unkempt, the floor needed sweeping and the garbage needed to be thrown out. He looked around, shook his head and went to the bedroom, he found Irene laying there looking at her phone, wine glass with an empty wine bottle sat on the bed table beside her.

"Hey." He said softly, he put his luggage down at the foot of the bed.

Irene ignored him.

"Hey?" Joon repeated, he went and stood by her.

"Mmm." Irene mumbled not bothering to look up.

"No hey I missed you?" Joon said.

Irene finally looked up and feigned a smile, she got up from bed and hugged Joon around his neck.

"Of course I missed you." She pecked him on the cheek, then went back to reading things on her phone.

"Why is the house messy?" He asked.

"Oh I just been lazy but I'll clean up soon." Irene lied not bothering to look up.

"K well if you need me, I'll be in the spare bedroom studying." Joon replied before retreating to the next room

"Its fine if you want to sleep in there tonight." Irene called out just as Joon was shutting the door to the spare room.

Joon said nothing, instead he pulled out his books and began studying. He was relieved that Irene didn't want to sleep together since his mind was on Jin, he doubt he'd have a comfortable sleep on her bed.

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