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The past week has been good to Jin, his boyfriend really was making an effort to show how sorry he was for his past action's. They went out often to eat or shop, he even gave Jin more money to spend on himself and was allowing him to leave the house while he was at work, as long as he was back before he got him from work and dinner was ready. Jin didn't mind at all, he was happy at his new found freedom.

He was shopping for groceries at the local supermarket when he felt a tap on his shoulder that startled him, he ended up yelping.

"Calm down it's us." Kookie chuckled as Jin grabbed his chest in a dramatic fashion.

"You scared the shit out of me!* He exclaimed, he grabbed his cart, pushing it along, Tae and Kookie following beside him.

"What are you doing here?" Tae asked.

"Oh you know, hunting for elephants." Jin replied sarcastically.

"Ha ha very funny, no, but seriously." Tae said.

"Shopping for food." Jin answered, he stopped and  grabbed some grapes and sniffed their freshness.

"Without Jiyong?" He questioned, Jin looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes, is that not allowed?" He asked quizzically.

"I didn't say it was, it's just strange that's all." Tae answered.

"How is it strange?" Jin furrowed his brow.

"Well the guy beat you up a week ago, you go back the next day and suddenly he's fawning over you and giving you what you want, have you ever heard of love bombing?" Kookie suddenly interrupted.

"You both have no idea what's going on in my personal life." Jin promptly replied as he grabbed his cart again and began walking way. Tae and Kookie right behind him.

"Jin wait." Tae called out, he stopped without turning around.

"What?" He sighed.

"If you need to talk, you know our number." Tae said as he and Kookie turned and walked away.

Jin stood there for a second before he continued his shopping, he didn't have much to buy, he headed to the checkout, paid his stuff and headed home.

When he arrived home by cab noticed Jiyong's car home an hour earlier than usual. He paid the cab, thanked him and walked up the driveway to his house.

"You home love?" Jin called out as he entered the house, taking off his shoes at the door and setting his house keys on the little key rack on the wall beside the door.

"Yeah I'm in the livingroom." He replied back.

Jin walked in, his boyfriend was laying on the couch phone in hand as he texted someone, Jin figured it was either his work or his family. He plopped down on his boyfriends tummy causing him to lose his breath a bit.

"Oof, hey watch it, what's up?" He said slightly out of breath. He grabbed Jin's waist at his waistband and snuck his thumbs a bit under his shirt massaging the exposed skin.

"I seen Jungkook and Taehyung at the supermarket today." Jin told him, resting his chin on his boyfriends chest.


"Yeah and they said the most stupidest thing ever."

"What's that hun?"

"They said you're love bombing me. I don't even know what that means." Jin said rolling his eyes, he placed his head down on his chest.

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