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Joon parked in front of the diner, he turned off the engine and sat back for a minute wondering what happened and what he just did? He didn't feel guilty,even though he felt he should.

He got out of the car and made his way back inside the diner, Jimin and Yoongi were already standing at the cashier paying for their drinks.

"Hey I'm back." He said, walking up behind them.

"Good timing." Yoongi said, as he paid for everything. 

"Where did you go?" Jimin asked.

"Oh...uh, I had to quickly go run an errand for my wife." He lied.

"Oh, I see." Jimin said, he grabbed Yoongi's hand and the three boys were heading out the door when the waitress walked up and tapped Joon on the shoulder. He turned around and gave her a curious look.

"Did I forget something?"

"No, I was just wondering, well, you were sitting alone and I just figured, I mean, would you be interested in exchanging numbers?" She asked nervously, but her smile was wide and flirtatious.

"Nope, I'm married." He said making the P sound pop, he turned and walked out the door with the boys, leaving her standing there red faced and mouth gaping open.

Joon walked in his house, it was dark except for the moon illuminating light through the living room window. He kicked his shoes off and went straight to the kitchen to grab himself a glass of water. He gulped it down in one go and set the glass down on the counter. He heard the upstairs bedroom door open, feet padded down the hallway.

"Where were you?" Irene asked, walking up to Joon facing him eye level.

"I went with Jimin and Yoongi for some drinks and nachos." He answered, keeping eye contact with her.

"Is that all you did." She raised an eyebrow and kept her gaze on him.

"Yes, now please let me go shower and get ready for bed, I'm tired." He said as he stepped out of her way, intending on going to the spare bedroom.

"I tried calling your cell but it was off, so I called Jimin and he said you had to go run an errand." She suddenly blurted out.

Namjoon stopped in his tracks, the roof of his mouth suddenly going dry.

"What does it matter?" He questioned as he turned to face his wife.

"What does it matter? I'm your wife, I have a right to know where you are and where you go." She snapped.

"Actually you lost that right." He pointed out.

"Really? Since when?" Irene crossed her arms and narrowed her eyes.

"Since you banished me to the spare bedroom a year ago." He snapped back, he turned and went to the spare room, he made sure the door made a loud click when he closed it.

"You're an asshole Joon!" She shouted, he heard her bedroom door slam shut.

"Yeah? Well you're a bitch." He muttered as he laid back on the bed, he pulled his phone out of his pocket and logged into WeMeet. There was a lot of messages from men and women, most he ignored, however he did have a few conversations going, but they were just that, conversations. He didn't need to scroll to find Jin's message as he had his messages pinned to the top.

Namjoon: Hey I had a
nice time meeting
you. I hope you're
not weirded out by
what happened.

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