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The next evening Joon sat at a lounge having a few drinks with Jimin and Yoongi, he was grateful to get out for the evening. Needed to relieve stress from all those bullshit at home, even if it was just for a few hours though. The three sat together drinking and talking about anything and everything.

The lounge was small and quaint, the atmosphere was dark but welcoming. The entrance to the lounge was located in the back of the building, a small fairly lit hallway led the entrance to the lounge. Upon entry, you could see the bar, located to the left beside the hallway. Seven metal stools with soft fake red leather seats stood in front of the bar, strategically placed beside each other. The walls were basic black with a mirror which wrapped around half of the wall, surrounding the whole building. About 9 or so hardwood round tables with 4 fake red leather seats stood almost in the middle of the lounge and a few feet away up against the wall stood a jukebox and 3 VLT machines.

Joon, Jimin and Yoongi were the only people in the lounge drinking, besides the bartender and waitress. About one table away, there sat, what Namjoon assumed, to be a couple. The lady would every so often grab the guy's shoulder and laugh everytime the guy whispered something in her ear. She would also run her hand along his leg with her cheap fake acrylic nails. Joon noticed the guy was looking at his phone from time to time, while frowning to himself. Suddenly the guy got up, looking at his phone with the same deep frown he went to the bathroom.

Joon needed to go to the bathroom too, because he had already drank 3 bottles of beer. 

He entered the bathroom and stood in front of one of the urinals, he noticed that guy's feet in the stall, pacing back and forth, Namjoon assumed the guy was on his phone judging by his frustrated tone of voice.

"I told you babe, work has me swamped with so much and I'm literally the only one in my department who stays late and gets things done, we have deadlines to meet."


"Yeah I'll be home in an hour or so, don't worry, love you, bye."

Poor wife, Joon thought to himself, he washed his hands, the guy came out from the stall and washed his hands too. Joon and the guy both nodded at each other through the mirror before they both left the bathroom and went towards their tables.

"Are you ready to go now?" Yoongi asked Namjoon, while helping Jimin with his coat.

Namjoon nodded while grabbing his coat from the back of the chair.

Truth was he wouldn't have minded another hour out but all three guys had work the next day and Joon wasn't too keen on working with a hangover.


Jin huffed and plopped down on the couch, he tossed his phone on the coffee table. Then reached for the remote and turned on Netflix. He scrolled through all the options. But was unable to decide what to watch, so he just turned off the TV and went to the kitchen to grab something to munch on, leaving his phone behind.

He pulled out some leftover chicken from the other night and made himself a chicken salad sandwich. It wasn't something he would call his favourite but since it was easy to make, he went with it. He leaned against the kitchen island and munched on his sandwich rather quickly, cleaning up his mess afterwards.

Then he went to wash away the food, after gulping some heavy amount of water and setting the glass in the dishwasher.

Jin hummed and drummed his fingers along the countertop of the kitchen island. The house was too quiet for his liking, he wished he had friends, someone to confide in, but Jiyong said they were a bad influence and he supposed they were. Noone wants to be out late at night while there significant other worries about them and that's the last thing Jin needed was Jiyong worrying over him.

Suddenly he remembered Joon and he grabbed his phone from the coffee table. Opening the app, he saw a notification for 1 new message. He clicked on it.

Namjoon: Hi I'm kinda drunk

Seokjin: Hi I'm kinda
drunk, I'm Jin

Namjoon: What?
Oh! Jeez sorry I'm
Namjoon or Joon
call me Joon I like 
Joon better

Seokjin: lol ok

Namjoon: Yeah sorry lol
man I shouldn't drink and 

Seokjin: Don't worry I'm
not an ex you don't
have to worry about 
sending drunk texts that 
you'll regret the next day.

Namjoon: I wouldn't make you
my ex, I'd make you my right now.

Jin's breath hitched.

He read the message and immediately placed his phone back on the coffee table. He couldn't reply.

It's just drunk words that don't mean anything, Jin thought to himself.

He decided to get ready for bed, it seemed that Jiyong wouldn't be back within the time he told Jin he'd be back. As per routine, Jin got into bed fully naked and fell asleep rather quickly.

[Warning: Smut, no consent]
This scene will include non consentual sex, if your triggered by this you may skip ahead. Remember these are fictional characters and do not represent anything the boys have experienced in real life.

Jin woke up to a strange sensation burning down below, he jerked away.

"Shh babe, it's me" Jiyong whispered in his ear, he kissed and nibbled on Jin's shoulder as he curled his finger inside where it wasn't supposed to be

"Love, I'm tired." Jin protested, moving away.

Suddenly, he was pushed onto his stomach with Jiyong's weight, making him sink in the bed.

"Ji- wha- what are you doing?" Jin stammered as he attempted to push him off somehow.

"You are mine! Do you understand? I get sex when I want and where I want." Jiyong growled. Jin realized he could smell the alcohol from him.

"Ji- I don't...please." Jin pleaded.

His arms were suddenly pinned down as the inevitable happened and the stretch burned and hurt him.

Jin moaned, not from pleasure, but from pain. He could do nothing but lay there while Jiyong abused him, roughly thrusting in and out while grunting heavily in his ear.

Jin's entire body went numb, he laid there staring at the wall in silence waiting for Jiyong to finish.

With one last thrust Jiyong came inside Jin, he flopped on him breathing heavily, then kissed Jin's shoulder and neck before pulling out and getting off the bed.

"I'm going to shower." He said in a matter of fact tone.

Jin finally lets his tears flow once he heard the shower running. He pulled the blankets up to his chin, turned to the side and cried himself to sleep.

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