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I ran home with tears streaming down my face. I hastily unlocked my door and stumbled inside. I collapsed on the floor hugging my knees tightly. I felt like m whole world was crashing down around me. I staggered to my feet and rushed to my bathroom. I opened up the cupboard and pulled out my sleeping pills. I glanced at the razor.
No. Not this time.
I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of wine, then another. I stumbled into my bedroom and sat on my bed. I grabbed a piece of paper.

I'm sorry I have to do this. Please don't go back to mum. Don't do what I'm doing either. By the time you read this I'll be dead. I'm sorry Phil. You're the best brother anyone could ever wish for and I love you so much, but sometimes things get too much. Dan's dead and I have nobody anymore. I'm sorry Phil. I love you. Remember that.

Jade xxx

I placed it on my bedside table and unscrewed the bottles of wine. I emptied all of the pills into my sweaty palms. I took a deep breath. I closed my eyes and tossed the pills into my mouth. I took a large gulp of wine and some more. Soon enough I had drunk both bottles. I was beginning to feel drowsy and light headed. I rested my head on my bed. The room started spinning, I felt sick but I resisted the urge. The room spun even faster until all I saw was black.

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