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"Jade I think you have a visitor." Tyler nudged me. I opened my eyes and Dan was stood in front of me. I stood up and walked up to him.

"Jade. I'm so so sorry. I can't even begin to explain how sorry I am. You're the most important person in my life and I fucked up big time. I can't believe I kissed Harper and I let down the most beautiful, smart, funny girl in the world. I love you Jade and I'm sorry." Dan's voice was soft and he sounded like he was going to cry but he bit on his lip to hold back the tears. I looked up into Dan's teary eyes.

"You hurt me." I spat. "You cheated Dan! You cheated on my with that fucking slag!" I felt Tyler's hand on my shoulder.

"Jade I know. And if I could turn back time I would do it just to tell myself that I would be an idiot to throw away such a perfect girl like you." Dan looked into my eyes.

"Dan. I love you. But I need time to figure it out." I slowly turned away with tears in my eyes and walked off with Tyler.


I slammed the door behind me as I stormed into my room and pulled out my old punch bag. When I was 11 I took up boxing to help control my anger. I hung it up and stared at the blue bag. I hit it hard. I did it again hut with greater force. I kicked it so it swung up and back round and I punched it again. I got bored of the bag and punched the white wall. I made a small dent and did it again. I carried on until I let out a scream and hit the wall full force my knuckles popped and I heard something crack. I looked down at my bruised fist and gasped as I opened the door and stumbled down the road.

I walked for 10 minutes until I reached the nearby hospital. I walked through the doors and went to the lady at the desk.

"Hi, I got really angry and punched the wall and I think I've broken my fist." I stuttered.

"Okay, I'll get a doctor over to you as soon as I can." The lady smiled. I went over and sat on the squishy brown chair and waited.


"Jade Lester?" A mans voice called.

"Yes." I stood up and walked over to a tall man in blue jeans and a smart checkered shirt. We walked into a small room and I sat down on the bed.

"So what seems to be the problem."

"I think I've broken my fist." I showed him my bruised hand.

"Ouch, that looks bad. How did you do it?" The doctor asked carefully holding my hand and inspecting it.

"I punched a wall very hard."

"Now why on earth would you want to do that?" The doctor smirked.

"Well I caught my boyfriend cheating on me..." I sighed.

"Oh I'm sorry. Now let's take a look at this fist of yours." The doctor smiled.


After about 10 minutes of the doctor examining my crippled fist he concluded that I had bust my knuckles. He put it in a cast and let me go home.

I unlocked the apartment door and walked inside.

"Phil?" I called.

"Yeah?" He replied. I walked into his room and sat down on the blue sofa in his now decorated room. His walls were all white and his carpet was a cream color. He had checked blue sheets with blue pillows. On his birch wood dresser sat a cuddly lion toy and a row of books and computer games.

"Hey Phil." I smiled as I walked into the room.

"Hey are you okay? Dan texted me!" He sighed as he stood up and walked up to me.


"He's really sorry you know." Phil smiled weakly.

"I know." I sighed.

"Listen, I know you caught him kissing your enemy and it will probably fuck with your trust issues but he's really sorry. I called him and he is so distraught." Phil put his hand on my shoulder.

"I know."

"How did you do that to your wrist?" Phil pointed at my cast.

"I've bust my fist." I turned around and walked into my room. I sat on the bed and picked up my phone. I dialed a number.


"Dan, can you come over." I asked.

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