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I cautiously stepped out of the car. My whole body was shaking. Tyler gripped my arm.

"It's going to be okay!"

"What do I tell her. I was out smoking weed and I got drugged and raped." I looked over to him with worried eyes.

"Just say, you got drunk and you don't know whether you had sex or not." He replied.

"Okay." I took a deep breath and walked into the clinic.

"Hello there can I help you." A small lady walked over to me and smiled.

"Yes can I have" My voice was shaky and uncertain.

"Yes sure. Follow me." She smiled. Tyler sat down in the waiting room as I followed her into a little room.

"So what do you want me to check." She asked.

"Well, I got drunk...and I think I might of had.. You know."

"Okay. I'm going to run a few tests and I'll give you an early pregnancy test." She smiled.



"Okay so there is sign of insertion but no sign of pregnancy or any STDs." She smiled weakly.

"Thanks." My face flushed red and I walked out of the room and steadily rushed out of the clinc with Tyler.

I opened up the car and sat inside.

"What did she say?" Tyler asked.

"There's sign of insertion but no pregnancy and no STDs." I breathed a sigh of relief. Tyler placed his hand on my knee.

"It's going to be okay. Are you going to tell Dan?"

"No. He'll call the police and then Charlie will hurt him!" I cried.


"Yeah he's the guy who...assaulted me." My voice shook.

"What did he look like." Tyler sounded like Sherlock trying to solve a mystery.

"He was tall. He had blonde hair and green eyes. He was about 20."

"Charlie Mapp?" Tyler sounded shocked.

"I'll look on my Facebook." I whipped out my phone and clicked on Facebook. "Yeah." I gasped.

"Jade...he goes to our college."

"What!" I cried.

"Yeah he's two years above us."

"Oh my god."

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