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We arrived at uni. I made my way to my lockers with Dan. I unlocked the locker holding my breath, what a surprise...more notes.
Watch out bitch or I'll get you. One said.
Stop eating you fat whale. Another said.

I folded them back up and put them in the bin quickly.

"What was that?" Dan asked curiously.

"Oh, nothing... Um...it was a recipt from...the store." I replied quickly.

"You sure about that?" Dan glared at me.

"Yeah." I gulped. I turned around and walked to the bathroom.


More notes came tumbling out of my bag as I opened it. Tears rolled down my face and I slid down the wall crying, my breathing as rapid and my eyes were blurry. I reached up and grabbed my bag. I rummaged through helplessly and grabbed a pencil sharpener. I hastily unscrewed the blade with my nail.

I held the blade in my palm. Was I really going to do this. I was hurting so much inside, I needed some release. I held the blade in my fingertips and drew little red lines. I did it again, pressing harder. The blood came running out, little red rivers flowing down my wrist. I stumbled to my feet and grabbed a tissue. I dabbed the free blood as the wounds started to clot, I took a deep sigh and screwed the blade back in place. I put the sharpener in my bag and flung it on my shoulder.

I steadily walked out of the bathroom covering my wrists with the sleeves of my baggy hoodie.


I walked home. from school alone, I didn't feel like company so I decide to take the long route, beside the river. I strolled, thinking about the notes, the cuts.

"Grab her!" I heard a voice shout.

I looked around nervously and suddenly people grabbed me, I could not tell who they were as they were all in black and had their hoods up. They pinned my hands behind my back and pushed me into a tree.

"Get off me!" I yelled but someone smothered me with a scarf and gagged me. Another person kicked me in the shin, another ripped off my hoodie.

"Ooh look, little emo girl cuts herself." One laughed.

"Doing as you're told eh." Another person added.

Suddenly it all came to me, the notes. They were the people writing me the notes. I tried to squirm free but they kicked and punched me harder. My eyes were wide and my nose was flaring. I was terrified. I raised my knee and kneed the guy in front of me in the crotch. I used my free leg to kick off the girl at the side of me, and I used my free hand the punch the other girl pinning my wrist down. I ripped off the gag and grabbed my hoodie.

"Leave me alone!" I cried.

"Don't tell us what to do or next time will be worse." A girl laughed.

I flung on my hoodie and ran as fast as I could back home

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