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I hardly slept that night. I just stared at the ceiling with thoughts flying around my mind. I clambered out of bed and put on my acid wash jeans and my burgundy pewdiepie jumper. I brushed my hair back and tied it up in a messy bun.

"What are we gonna do about Charlie?" I head Dan's cute sleepy voice.

"Nothing." I sighed.


"Yeah. I'm just going to leave him." I replied.

"I don't think it works like that J." Dan sighed.

"Well he better accept it."


"Hello emergency services how can we help you?"

"My girlfriend. She got raped." Dan stuttered.

"Do you know who did it?"

"Charlie Mapp." Dan gulped. "He goes to Ellesmere college."

"Okay thankyou, we will keep in contact and we will take him in for questioning."

"Thank you." Dan replied.


"Good morning class today..."

"We would like to speak to Dan Howell." A police lady walked into the classroom.

"Yeah sure." Dan replied. Dan followed the police woman out of the room.

"Yesterday you said your girlfriend had been raped." She continued.

"Yes. By Charlie Mapp." Dan replied.

"Who is your girlfriend?" The lady asked.

"Jade...Jade Lester." Dan muttered.

"Okay, I'm going to talk to Jade and then if the evidence is sufficient then we will take Charlie in."

"Okay officer." Dan's voice trembled.


"Do you have any evidence that it was Charlie Mapp, Miss Lester?"

"Yes. He Facebook messaged me and send pictures of me naked and unconscious around the school." I cried.

"He raped you as you were unconscious?" The lady's tone changed.

"Well yes, he gave me a drink and I blacked out. Then I woke up naked."

"Okay, we are going to take you and him into court, you will need a lawyer present."


"Thank you for your time Jade."


I stormed into class where dan was waiting nervously alone.

"How could you Dan! I told you not to get the police involved!" I shouted.

"Jade you were raped! We need to get Charlie arrested!"

"Well I'm going to fucking court in a couple of days!" I cried.

"I know. Jade I can't let you get raped then just forget about it! Charlie needs to admit what he did to you!" Dan replied calmly.

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