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"Oh no, he's gonna die." Jimin stated as soon as he entered the room taehyung and jeongguk were sleeping in. He could only see taehyung though. But the lump in the middle of the bed, covered by the blanket, was suspiciously big and it was obvious that the angel was hiding underneath it.

The problem was just, that jimin knew from personal experience how hard it was to breathe through all the fabric.

Yes, he must be dead. Suffocated.

But jimin still at least tried to wake him up, because he has a big heart. He slapped the blanket.

"That's my butt." A low voice mumbled from underneath. Then the lump started moving.

Maybe jeongguk wasn't dead after all.

"Did you just grab his ass?" Taehyung asked, slowly escaping the sleep after spending nearly half of the day in bed.

"Of course not, you can have all this ass to yourself. Not that there is much, but you know-" Jimin stopped himself from continuing his sentence. He shouldn't weird out the merman more than necessary. After all, he had just discovered the night before that apparently sex wasn't a thing in their worlds, so why would anyone be interesting in ass?

Well, it surely is nice to look at...

But maybe that's just jimin's point of view. Because jimin surely does enjoy the view of a good ass.

Finally, the big lump of blanket started moving wildly, taehyung groaned in pain when he got hit by an elbow that suddenly poked out of the fabric, but then, eventually,  jeongguk's sleepy bed head made his appearance in the covers.

"I'm hungry." He stated.

"Seokjin in frying eggs." Jimin answered without missing a breath.

Then he left the room as fast as he entered it.

"Jeonggukkie..." The merman mumbled, eyes still closed.


"Can we go back after breakfast, my legs are getting itchy." Taehyung tapped the blanket over his knees a little to demonstrate.

Jeongguk immediately started to worry, the merman had told them that he couldn't stay long without water and here they were, sleeping even longer than necessary in a bed without water!

"But your skin is not gonna rip now, right?" He asked, panicking a little, despite his still tired brain. Or maybe because of that.

"No, no, it's still fine! It's just getting a little uncomfortable!" Taehyung was quick to reassure him.

Jeongguk was glad, but he still felt a little bad for the merman.

"Do you think some ointment or cream would help? You know, so that your skin won't be so dry."

Taehyung shrugged. "Never tried it, but it could help. Does jin have some?"

"Jin always has some."

So they finally got up and left the comfy bed behind to pay a visit to jin's bathroom.

They surely did not care about privacy, they went through every drawer and through every little shelf possible until jeongguk eventually decided on the least special looking ointment he could find. Sitting down on the small carpet in the middle of the bathroom, they began spreading it on taehyung's dry skin.

And they continued doing so until jimin found them on the floor of the bathroom, having completely forgotten that they were supposed to have breakfast with their friends.


Just for research purposes... Jimin's ass, taehyung's ass or jeongguk's ass?

mafia's mermaid//taekookजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें