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"Jeonggukkie, get ready, we're gonna go on a trip!"

Jeongguk rubbed his eyes an looked at jimin with a sleepy gaze. He had been sleeping on the couch until now.


Jimin watched the angel stand up with a proud expression.

"I was right. Taehyung has legs. So we can go to the sea!"


The angel's sleepy brain couldn't process all of the information it got, so it took some time for him to really understand.

Jimin sat down in jeongguk's office chair and clicked through some files on the computer.

"But we can't just put taehyung into the sea. He will get his tail and people will see, jimin."

But jimin seemed to have everything planned out.

"I have this one cousin, who is not in your gang, obviously, that works in a restaurant at the beach. And this restaurant also 'owns' a part of the beach. So if he has a key, which he should be able to get, we can go there at night. There are gates on both sides, so no one is able to come in."

Jeongguk nodded hesitantly.

"But why would he do that for you? I don't think anyone would just do something like that when there is such a high chance to be fired."

And again, jimin had this proud expression on his face.

"He owes me something. You even helped me yourself with that. We cleaned his reputation so that he would be able to get this job."

Now the whole plan made a lot more sense to jeongguk.

"That could actually work out..."

Jimin nodded.

"But jeongguk, please tell me what this is: how to escape the gang: make a useful plan and don't get caught. This is the most useless thing I have ever read."

The older looked at the angel accusingly.

The other frowned.

"There is no plan yet!"

"I see that! You were supposed to work something out!"

Jimin started clicking through the other files that were on the computer.

"Look here, every single case has at least keywords and the one thing that is important to us consists of this one stupid sentence."

Now jeongguk looked at jimin angrily.

"You expect me to work everything out on my own without even trying to help me!" He really didn't want to make the other feel guilty, especially when he himself suggested that he would make it alone.

Didn't work out that well.

But he had no plan! And he didn't want to be accused for that.

It was not like he wasn't trying, but he hadn't found the perfect idea yet.

They didn't want to get caught after all.

Jimin sighed and stood up.

"You know that I don't have ideas for things like that! I can help you when you tell me what to do."

With that he left the office.

Leaving an upset angel behind.

Jeongguk didn't really want to continue his work, he had been sleeping anyways, so he shut his computer down.

But just when he wanted to open the door and exit, his phone rung.


As usual, jeongguk didn't even check the caller's number. There were only a handful of people that had his number.

Actually, just seokjin, jimin and namjoon.

And it surely wouldn't be jimin.

"Hey, jeonggukkie!"

It was seokjin.

The younger answered with a quiet hum.

"Jeongguk, I can't get you food today, I'll be at a concert. Can you please bring taehyung some?" Seokjin seemed to be in a rush, because there were at lot of different noises in the background. Even the sound of breaking glass (and seokjin's cursing) was heard.

"Will do." Jeogguk was planning to go downstairs later anyways.

"Perfect. But don't fall into the pool. Jimin told me everything."

Jeongguk could practically see the elder's scolding index finger in front of his nose.

"Wasn't planning to."

"Nice." With that seokjin hung up the phone.

And jeongguk made his way outside, trying to find the cheapest delivery service in the city.

He for sure wasn't going to eat the cafeteria's crappy food.


Jeongguk and jimin are these two annoying brothers

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