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Seokjin was sitting at a small table with a bunch of different candys in front of him.

He was already feeling sick by just looking at them.

Of course he didn't have to eat all of them, but namjoon got so excited about the older being at his shop again that he made him try literally every single sweet that was new.

Seokjin ordered just a glass of water with the sweets, he wouldn't be able to drink anything else along with the candys. He tried to eat them as slowly as possible so he wouldn't have to eat that much.

He really didn't want to get sick.

"Is it good?", namjoon asked from behind him, organizing a few plushies after helping some children choose their favourite snack.

He was really good with the kids and he seemed to get so happy about helping them that seokjin had to smile every time he watched them.

Nearly as sweet as the candy in his mouth.

"Of course it is good. It is always good.", seokjin replied.

He wasn't wrong.

The sweets tasted amazing.

It was just way too much.

But namjoon's smile was worth eating another candy before leaving the shop again.

He had to get some information from his favourite mafia angel after all.


Seokjin was standing in front of jeongguk's apartment door, ready to knock the younger out of the bed.

knock knock

"Jeongguk, open the door! Now!"

He was now standing close to the door, his ear being pressed against the cold wood. After a short silence he heard some shuffling.

"Open the door!"

As you may have noticed, seokjin was quite an impatient person.

And luckily jeongguk opened the door just a few seconds later. Otherwise it would probably have ended with seokjin screaming through the building as loud as possible.

And jeongguk would get attention.

We know by now that he doesn't like that.

"Hyung, please be a little more quiet!" A grumpy angel appeared in the door frame.

But seokjin didn't care.

"Don't you dare hang up the phone without saying goodbye ever again!"

Seokjin was stomping inside the apartment without jeongguk welcoming him.

"I won't let you go to sleep before you didn't tell me everything.", the elder threatened.

So jeongguk didn't have an other choice than to tell seokjin everything that happened over the past 24 hours.

He made himself comfortable on his bed, wrapping himself up in a blanket because he was still sleepy.

"Well...", he said. "Last night I went to the basement. Because the gang was so loud. And then there was someone in there."

Seokjin still didn't seem to believe him.

"So there is really a mermaid sitting in the basement?", he asked skeptically.

"Yes? Yes, there is. Actually he's swimming."

"There is water down there? What the fuck, jeongguk! Does the building have a water pipe leaking or something?"

Seokjin seemed really worried. Having a flooded basement is absolutely not something he wants to deal with. But jeongguk calmed him down.

"There is an old swimming pool in the basement. The water pipes are all turned off, I think."

When the younger slowly started laying down again, he was quickly pulled up by his hyung.

"You are definitely not going to sleep now! We're gonna visit that mermaid in your basement now. You can't leave him there forever anyways. You said it was a him, right?"

With a low sigh jeongguk left his bed.

One hour of sleep was definitely not enough.

But he couldn't say anything against seokjin.

Seokjin is seokjin after all.

"Yes, it is a him..."


My favourite him on this planet!

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